
  • Don: Action talks, bullshit walks! Teach: If I had kept everything my old man threw out, I'd be a wealthy man today. Teach: All I'm saying is don't confuse business with pleasure. Teach: Loyalty is fine, but this is business. Teach: The world is lies. There is no friendship. Teach: We live like the cavemen. Teach: I go out there everyday. There is nothing out there. Teach: We're talking about money for Christ's sake, we're talking about cards. Friendship is friendship and a wonderful thing and I'm all for it. I never said different, and you know me on this thing, but let's just keep it separate, OK? Let's keep the two apart and we can deal with each other like some human beings. Teach: Only, and I am telling you this, Don. Only, and I am not, i don't think, casting anything on anyone: from the mouth of the Southern bulldyke asshole ingrate of a vicious nowhere cunt can this trash come. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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