代媾 (1996)

  • 法国 美国
  • |
  • 爱情
  • 片       名代媾
  • 上映时间1997年07月03日
  • 导       演 尼克·卡索维茨
  • 剧       情
  • 获       奖


  • Mildred: Right here in this life, you get reincarnated. You change. Mildred: You're not an adult. An adult is someone who works and takes care of themselves. Mildred: That's what Thanksgiving is all about - meeting friends and eating a lot. Monica: Fuck me once, fuck you! Fuck me twice, fuck me! Jake 'J.J.' Warren: Remember when you sang me that doggy in the window song? Where you changed some of the animals and I didn't know how some of the animals sounded, and we laughed? Mildred 'Millie' Hawks: Mmm hmm. Yes. Jake 'J.J.' Warren: That was fun, I liked that. Mildred 'Millie' Hawks: Me too. Monica Warren: Oh great, you're gonna stand me up on Thanksgiving you little prick. Annie Hawks: You mean what am I doing? Where am I staying? Do I have a phone number? Do I have a job? Why do I need money? Nothing, nowhere, I don't know, no job, Because I'm broke. Okay." Frankie Warren: What do you want me to do? I'll get on my knees and beg you not to be a bitch. Monica Warren: Uh, can't really stay, I got a date, I just left word on my answering machine that I'd be over here, so I hope you don't mind if he calls. Ethan Hawks: No, that's fine. Monica Warren: Thanksgiving. Hot date. You know what I mean. I mean I wouldn't mind eating over here. I hear your old lady's a real good cook and all, but as soon as that phone rings, I gotta go. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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