通灵女神探 (1996)

  • 美国
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  • 犯罪  惊悚  灾难
  • 剧       情
    《再现罪犯的人》是一部描写一名女侦探与形形色色的罪犯进行较量的系列侦探片。侦探,常常以自己的机智勇敢甚至用自己的血肉之躯阻挡着黑暗向光明的渗透,最终,必将以光明战胜黑暗而告终。  本片的主人公萨姆,是联邦调查局最棒的法医心理学家,能站在被害人与杀手的视角上感知犯罪过程。...
  • 获       奖


  • John Grant: Me, me, me. The guy needs to learn a new pronoun. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: I thought you said you were gonna cut back on the drinking. Bailey Malone: There's ice in the glass. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: Maybe he's destroying perfection. Bailey Malone: Guess I'd better lock my doors. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: I think you can rest easy, Bailey. John Grant: We don't have a lot of time here, Dr. Lawson. So if you've got a theory, I want to hear it. Dr. Samantha 'Sam' Waters: You want a "theory"? You've got Chinese food in the refrigerator, you like your women in heels, your scotch straight, and yourself definitely on top. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: I haven't seen you this upset since your bartender took early retirement. Chloe Waters #2: Take your own advice, Mom. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: Advice is like Christmas presents. It's better to give than to receive. John Grant: Why did they let you go? Bailey Malone: Difficult to influence. You turned away. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: Difficult? Me? Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: Well, when a killer punishes like this, it usually means he knows the victims, that's what triggers this kind of frenzy. George Fraley: No connects so far. Business, family, locations, only thing they have in common is an area code. Dr. Samantha "Sam" Waters: Well, like I said, maybe he didn't know them. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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