为钱卖命.绝命战场 (1995)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  犯罪


  • Cleon: Better to check out then go home fucked up. Kirby: Everyone in this town knows I've only got one leg. And that motherfucker grabbed the wrong one. Anthony Curtis: No bad habits, ma. Except for a little killing. Skip: My great great great granddaddy was a pimp and a slave. He would have his hoes out in the field picking his cotton for him, he didn't have to do a goddamn thing! [Cleon randomly decapitates a dead Vietnamese soldier with his machete] Skip: Oh man, Cleon what the fuck? Skip: I was born by the pussy, I'll die by the pussy. Jose: Oh, did you fucking see that, man! Skip: Motherfucker, you blew up the whole fucking truck, motherfucker! [Cleon blasts a Viet Cong in the head, killing him] Cleon: Now you're good, now Jesus loves you. Delilah Benson: [Delilah saying to Anthony after he returns from the war] It's not your fault you've been brain washed by america 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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