
  • Ivor Carney: It's very vulgar to talk about one's business. Only stock brokers do that, aand then merely at dinner parties. Robbie Fay: Don't you be dirtying that nice clean bus, now. Alfie Byrne: You have it lovely, Bosie. I can see myself in it, like Narcissus. Robbie Fay: You're at it again. Alfie Byrne: At what? Robbie Fay: That stuff you do. Big words. Poetry. Alfie Bryne: The only way to get rid of temptation, is to yield to it. Alfie Byrne: Dancing is neither modest or immodest. It's either well-done, or badly done. Christy Ward: Is that a quote? Alfie Byrne: Almost. Alfie Byrne: I've learned a horrible lesson. Adele Rice: About me. Alfie Byrne: About myself. Alfie Byrne: She is like a dove that has strayed. She is like a Narcissus trembling in the wind. She is like a silver flower. Robbie Fay: You know what I think? Alfie Byrne: What, Bosie? Robbie Fay: I think you're soft on her. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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