乡巴佬征服纽约 (1994)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  喜剧


  • Waiter: How would you like your steaks cooked? Pepper: Oh, just knock its horns off, wipe its nasty ass, and chunk it right here on this plate. Sonny: It's your call, stubby. Pepper: If it's got hair, I can ride it. If it's got a beat, I can dance to it. Boy on Train: Look, Mom!... Cowboys! Waiter at Waldorf Astoria: And would you care to order wine with your meal? Pepper: Uh, yah why don't you bring us a bottle of something or other, uh not too sweet, American. Waiter at Waldorf Astoria: American something or other, yes sir an excellent choice and would you like glasses or do you prefer to drink directly from the bottle? Pepper: Well, um, glasses I reckon and oh hay toss a litle ice in mine if you would my good man. Waiter at Waldorf Astoria: Ice, certainly sir. Nothing could surprise me now. Sonny: So, what did you do to make the money to buy this? You didn't give that old lady a fake check did you? Pepper: No, of course not. [under his breath] Pepper: Bitch wouldn't take a check. Sonny: We can't leave like this! They're going to think we didn't pay! Pepper: We didn't. Sonny: What? You liar, you said you still had some of the prize money left! Pepper: I never lied to you Sonny! I do have some money left. Sonny: How much? Pepper: Around 8 bucks. Pushing 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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