世纪的哭泣 (1993)

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  • Dr. Don Francis: This may be the first epidemic in history of which no one officially died. Dr. Don Francis: How many people have to die before it'll be cost effective for you people to do something about it? A hundred? A thousand? Give us a number so we won't annoy you until the amount of money you start losing on LAWSUITS makes it PROFITABLE for you to save people than to kill them! The Choreographer: The party's over. Roger Gail Lyon: This is not a political issue. This is a health issue. This is not a gay issue. This is a human issue. And I do not intend to be defeated by it. I came here today in the hope that my epitaph would not read that I died of red tape. Dr. Dennis Donohue: When the doctors start acting like businessmen, who do the people turn to for doctors? Dr. Mary Guinan: How long has it been. Dr. Don Francis: Small pox, India. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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