乔什和山姆 (1993)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  喜剧  奇幻
  • 片       名乔什和山姆
  • 上映时间1993年11月24日
  • 导       演 Billy Webe...
  • 又       名乔什和山姆 Josh and S.A.M.
  • 编       剧 Frank Dees...
  • 剧       情
    Josh and Sam are two brothers facing change, their mother is about to marry a French accountant and the kids are sent to go live with their ...


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  • : What can I do? I'm a wanted man with a screwed up brother. Pizza Man: This pizza, I make myself. My wife, she no make-a da pizza. No more! Derek Baxter: I knew it! Josh Whitney: Knew what Mr. Baxter? Derek Baxter: Don't call me that, Josh, call me Dad. Derek Baxter: There's this one thing I want to ask you Josh?, What day were you born on? Josh Whitney: umm... uh... June 17th Derek Baxter: That's uh, nine months back, that's the night we beat Carling, that's perfect... woo-hoo... that's homecoming night, I knew it! Josh Whitney: Knew what Mr. Baxter? Derek Baxter: Don't call me that... (blushes)... Call me Dad! Josh Whitney: Doesn't it make you feel sad inside? Sam Whitney: Genetically altered inside. I'm all metal and wires. It's cold. I don't feel things the way you do. Curtis: Did Josh really kill a guy? Sam Whitney: Dad is trying to cover for him, but I saw him. He beat him over the head with a pool stick he was so mad. Leon: What was he so mad about? Sam Whitney: The guy called him a homo. Josh Whitney: Sam you're a genius! Sam Whitney: Yeah well it's not my fault. They made me that way. Sam Whitney: You're not my brother anymore! Josh Whitney: What? Sam Whitney: I just decided it, the same way Dad isn't Mom's Husband anymore Josh Whitney: You must be dumber than Dad's stepsons, you can't divorce me Sam Whitney: uh-huh, he can take you away like he took the lawn mower and the barbeque Josh Whitney: Doesn't matter, i'd still be your brother wherever I was , evwn if I was a thousand million miles away! Sam Whitney: I wish you were! Josh Whitney: Dad can I be excused? Thom: For God's sake, Josh, clean your plate! [Josh stands up and scoops all the food off his plate] Josh Whitney: Is that clean enough? Thom: Go to your room. Josh Whitney: You're *in* my damn room! Josh Whitney: I just saw Jean Pierre on 60 Minutes confessing everything. He was in the shadows but I could tell by those big lips of his. Derek Baxter: This is that kid, isn't it? This is that damn kid, isn't it? [Sam hurls a pool ball, hitting Derek] Sam Whitney: It worked, Josh, my aim is activated! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : You little shit! [last lines] Sam Whitney: Last night, Dad left his safe open and there was a file inside. Josh Whitney: So? Sam Whitney: It was about you. Red Haired Kid #2: Hey, Kotex Head, this here's a pay toilet! Josh Whitney: I made it all up. Alison: Even the Liberty Maid? Josh Whitney: Yes, I got your hair and red hat off a juice box. Alison: Lord almighty, I've met my maker. [after Josh tells Sam to bite on a piece of tin foil] Sam Whitney: OW! Josh Whitney: Oh God, Sam, you're activated. Delivery Man: [Italian accent] Now de credit card, Jean Pierre LaTorette? Josh Whitney: Yeah, he's out in the field going to the bathroom. Yeah, he's out there in the field with diarrhea. Delivery Man: Diarrhea? Josh Whitney: Diarrhea. Deliver Man: That's nice. Josh Whitney: You know, Sam, I didn't want to mention this with Mom around but I know a place where all kids who have to repeat a grade get together. It's way beyond the Bluffs, high above the Pacific Coast highway. Sam Whitney: What do they do there? Josh Whitney: Jump off. Josh Whitney: Dad is sending you off to fight a war just to he can send the buttholes to football camp. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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