
  • Jack Grimaldi: People think that Hell is fire and brimstone and the Devil poking you in the butt with a pitchfork, but it's not. Hell is when you should have walked away, but you didn't. Jack Grimaldi: You don't own love. Love owns you. Jack Grimaldi: So you're the big hoodlum? Personally, I don't see it. Mona Demarkov: Keep lookin'. Mona Demarkov: I don't want you to kill him, I just want you to bury him. If he dies in the process, that's his problem. Mona Demarkov: You can dig one grave or you can dig two. Sheri: You know what the best part about making it with a cop is? Jack Grimaldi: No. Sheri: You got two guns. One for me and one for them. Jack Grimaldi: I try to stop thinking. Try to get my head straight. If I could just get my head straight... then everything would be all right. Jack Grimaldi: [hallucinating Natalie entering through the door, and narrating with great sadness and tears in his voice] Sometimes she stays a little longer... But not too often... Jack Grimaldi: You ever seen a ghost? There's this guy. Comes in here. Every May 1st. Every May 1st, every December 1st. Like clock work. What's he want? Well, frankly, I ain't exactly sure. He had the strangest story to tell. He left this here and I keep it for him. How do I know he'll be back? What's that? A woman was involved? Hm, just fits. I was married once myself. Beautiful girl. By the way my name is Jim Daurighty. I run this place. His name? Sure. His name is Jack Grimaldi. Hey, there he is now! Don Falcone: Mind you, I have no respect for pacifism. It's a morally bankrupt belief. Pacifists believe that they have the right not to kill, but others always die in defence of that right. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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