登龙游术 (1993)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名登龙游术
  • 上映时间1993年03月20日
  • 导       演 Glenn Jord...
  • 剧       情
      罗斯强生(James Garner),RJR公司的执行总裁,当他突然决定接管公司时,所有与该公司有关的华尔街大亨都想从中分到一点好处,于是罗斯找来财务专家亨利(Jonathan Pryce)与彼得(Peter Riegert)来为他效力,接下来上...
  • 获       奖


  • 1st Scientist: [talking about the smokeless Premier cigarette survey] Well of all the people we surveyed the results were just about uniform F. Ross Johnson: Uh huh. Edward A. Horrigan Jr.: They all said they tasted like shit. F. Ross Johnson: Like shit? 2nd Scientist: Shit was the consensus, yes sir. F. Ross Johnson: They all said that? Nobody liked them? 2nd Scientist: Fewer than 5% F. Ross Johnson: You said the results were gonna be terrific F. Ross Johnson: Well there's nothing wrong with 5%, Ross, I'll take 5% of the market anytime of the week F. Ross Johnson: How much are we into right now? 1st Scientist: Right now? F. Ross Johnson: To date, to here, to now? 1st Scientist: Upwards of F. Ross Johnson: We've spent 350 million dollars and we come up with a turd with a tip? God almighty, Ed! We put enough technology in this project to send a cigarette to the moon and we come up with one that tastes like it took a dump? Edward A. Horrigan Jr.: We haven't even talked about the smell. F. Ross Johnson: Oh what did they say that was like? A fart? Edward A. Horrigan Jr.: Yep. F. Ross Johnson: Oh you're not serious! They really said that? 2nd Scientist: We have an awful lot of fart figures. F. Ross Johnson: Tastes like shit and smells like a fart! Got ourselves one hell of a product on our hands it's one unique advertising strategy I'll tell ya that. Charlie Hugel: Now I know what the "F" in "F. Ross Johnson" stands for. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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