
  • Elizabeth Parker: You'll be nuts for it. Turn on the faucet, out comes the water. Koba: Faucet. Bullshit. Elizabeth Parker: Koba, who's been helping you with your English? Koba: Miss Nonnie has. Elizabeth Parker: I'll kill her. Nonnie Parker: You know, Dad. People need to stand up and fight for what they believe in or nothing's ever gonna change. Paul Parker: People need to sit down and talk, otherwise people won't change. Nonnie Parker: Are you saying we should cross the Kalahari? That's impossible. Xhabbo: Wind can do it, we can do it. Xhabbo: Gods are like old people. You think they are deaf, but they are not. Harry Winslow: So, you really think we can make it to Karlstown? Nonnie Parker: Wind can do it, we can do it. Harry Winslow: Don't give me that Bushman crap. I want a real answer. Nonnie Parker: You want a real answer? Harry Winslow: Let me hear the bushman version again. Harry Winslow: You lied to me. Nonnie Parker: Look I didn't lie to you, all right? Harry Winslow: I said 'how far?' you said 'pretty far.' Nonnie Parker: Well 2,000 kilometers *is* pretty far. Harry Winslow: No, that's like *impossibly* far! That's like walking from New York to Miami! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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