Close My Eyes (1992)

  • 英国
Close My Eyes
  • 片       名Close My Eyes
  • 上映时间1991年10月11日(芬兰)
  • 导       演 Stephen Po...
  • 又       名Close My Eyes
  • 编       剧 Stephen Po...


  • Richard: Is he going to kill me, you think? Natalie: I knew you'd want this to end with one of us getting killed. Trust you to get both of us nearly killed. Sinclair: Something tells me its the end of the party. Sinclair: I knew there was something extraordinary between you two, something which had to be purged. I don't want to know. There is a limit beyond which I can't go. Sinclair: Those fires, a typical end to summer. Natalie: I certainly wouldn't call this summer typical. Richard: And to think, we didn't even really like each other as kids. Natalie: Oh, go on, you can read it, I can see you edging toward it. Sinclair: Just one chapter. It's the only thing that shuts me up. Sinclair: How's the food? Natalie: Food? You would ask that. Richard: You wanted to be artistic. Natalie: I'm not artistic. Richard: But you wanted to be. Richard: She went for a job, he was the boss. She didn't get the job, she got him. Natalie: I love you. Sinclair: Of course you do. Natalie: Do you love me? Sinclair: Of course I do. Natalie: I thought I heard voices. Richard: Just my secratary, we're alone together. Natalie: You're probably screwing her. Richard: As a matter of fact I am. Sinclair: Other people's children are wonderful, aren't they? Natalie: I have to get permission, I'll have to ask my 14 year-old boss. Sinclair: These ashtrays are interesting, they're rediculously large. People proclaim their importance in such a crass fashion. What will historians make of these ashtrays? Richard: You're interested in everything, Sinclair. Sinclair: These lists, ashtrays, this secratary here, you. [first lines] Natalie: You're late. Richard: Sorry, it was unavoidable, trains on Sunday, you know what they're like. Natalie: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Unavoiadable? I don't believe it. I've eaten all the food. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Richard: You've eaten all the food? Now that's serious. Sinclair: I do believe, I have to confess, in spending money , not just hoarding it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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