
  • Al: Why did you never answer any of my letters? Sonora: I never got any letters. Al: Well, I wrote you just about everyday. Sonora: What did you say? Al: Stuff. Sonora: What kind of stuff? Al: Well... you know... stuff! Marie: You poor thing. Who does your hair? Sonora: Well, I do. Marie: Sonora, you have to be extremely careful with your appearance. I mean, having no natural beauty of your own you really need to help yourself. Marie: I am an actress. Not a circus performer. I am going to New York City. Next time you see me I am going to be a big star. And you will still be shoveling manure. Sonora: I can do it because I can do anything! Doctor Carver: Can you shovel manure? Sonora: Manure just happens to be my specialty. Doctor Carver: Can you shovel manure? Sonora: Manure just happens to be my specialty. Clifford: [to Sonora] Thanks for... spittin' on me. Sonora: I found my destiny, not in far off places but within myself. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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