年轻枪手2 (1990)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  西部
  • 片       名年轻枪手2
  • 上映时间1990年11月10日(巴西)
  • 导       演 Geoff Murp...
  • 又       名年轻枪手2 龙威虎将2 Young Guns II
  • 编       剧 约翰·福斯克


  • William H. Bonney: You remember the stories John use to tell us about the the three chinamen playing Fantan? This guy runs up to them and says, "Hey, the world's coming to an end!" and the first one says, "Well, I best go to the mission and pray," and the second one says, "Well, hell, I'm gonna go and buy me a case of Mezcal and six whores," and the third one says "Well, I'm gonna finish the game." I shall finish the game, Doc. Charles Phalen: William H. Bonney, heh? Billy the Kid was shot and killed by Pat Garrett. Everybody knows that, it's common knowledge. William H. Bonney (the Old): There are other lawyers around, you piece of chicken shit. Get back in the vehicle and drive before I make it 22 just for the goddamn hell of it. [William Shakespeare] Jose Chavez Y Chavez: When troubles come, they come not single spies but in battalions. [Last line a lot of people heard] William H. Bonney: Yoohoo. I'll make you famous! Judge Bristol: ...and there be hanged by the neck till he be dead, dead, dead. Now, do you have anything to say, young man? William H. Bonney: Yes I do, your Honor. You can go to hell, hell, hell. William H. Bonney: "Buckshot George", that's your name. You wanted a name, that's it. "Buckshot George". It's a good name. Hendry French: My name is Hendry William French. William H. Bonney: That's a good name too. Tom O'Folliard: What's scum? William H. Bonney: Well Tom, that's bad types. Politicians, bankers, cattle-kings... Scum... [upon being ordered to go after Billy the Kid] Sheriff Kimbel: I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a brushfire. I ain't touchin this one. Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: You son of a bitch! You're starting to believe what they're writing about you, aren't you? Let me tell you what you really are! You rode a 15 year old boy straight to his grave, and the rest of us straight to hell... straight to hell! William H. Bonney! You are *not* a god! [cocks his gun and points it at Billy] William H. Bonney: Why don't you pull the trigger and find out? [Upon discovering a new boom town is mining guano] Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: I've been to gold towns, silver towns, I've even been to turquoise towns. But I have never been to a bat shit town. Can't wait to see the women! Pat Garrett: It's alright, we've got time. We'll go back through El Royal. John W. Poe: Well, that's convenient. Pat Garrett: What? John W. Poe: The Kid'll be long gone. Maybe that's what you want, Pat. Pat Garrett: What I want is for you to cork your goddamn government mouth, mister. And the next time you address me common, I will put you on your prissy little ass. [Last lines] William H. Bonney (the Old): I never stole a horse from someone I didn't like. Did I like him? Hell no; I loved the son of a bitch. You asked me if I have scars? Yessir, I have my scars. Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: He said Dave Rudabaugh of Las Vey-has! Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: I'm real happy for ya, Dave. William H. Bonney: Dave, it's your gang. Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: What? William H. Bonney: It's your gang. You lead us out. Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: No, it's your gang, it's always been your gang. William H. Bonney: Don't cross me, Dave... Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: [interrupting them] Billy! Let's finish the game. [Chavez made his horse charge down a hill by yelling "Atay!"] Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: How the hell'd you get him to do that, huh? And what's that mean anyway, atay, atay? Jose Chavez Y Chavez: It's an ancient Navajo word. It means "stop." [Doc recites a poem] Hooker: That was heavenly. Who wrote it. Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: Josiah "Doc" Scurlock. Hooker: Who the hell is that? William H. Bonney: You killed the boys, Patsie! Pat Garrett: No, Kid. You did. If I was with you I'd be one of 'em. William H. Bonney: You wanna ride with Billy the Kid? Is that what you want? [Showing Tom his wound] William H. Bonney: Get buckshot in your leg like this, huh? How 'bout in your skull? Hanging out in the damn brush like some kinda lizard. Everybody in the territory takin' a shot at ya, BOOM BOOM BOOM! Is that what you want, Mr. Pennsylvania huh? HUH? Is that what you want? Tom O'Folliard: Yes. [Pat prepares to shoot a helpless enemy] Pat Garrett: Wait, do I know you? Travers: Yeah, you know me, you do. Pat Garrett: Yeah. Travers: Yeah... Pat Garrett: What's your name? Travers: Travers, from Tula Rosa. Pat Garrett: [thinking] Travers... hmm, nope. [Shoots him] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [dying] I can't believe it. You shot me! You really shot me! John W. Poe: Take your medicine, son. Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: Here. [Tosses Billy a pocket watch] Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: It's from New York. It's for the horse. William H. Bonney: Why that horse ain't for sale Doc, but how about my boots? They're nice and broke in and... [Doc kicks him] Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock: You son of a bitch! William H. Bonney: Hey Tommy! Last one up the hill is a three legged dog! William H. Bonney: Hello Bob! [Shoots Deputy Sheriff Bob Ollinger with a rifle that has eighteen dimes instead of bullets] William H. Bonney: "Goodbye Bob! Best dollar eighty I ever spent. Tom O'Folliard: Are you Billy the Kid? Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: No, I'm Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh. You ever heard of me? I've killed 65 men, not countin' Mexicans and Indians. You must have heard of me! Come on! Rudabaugh! That's great! Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: I don't take tender-foots in *my* gang, and i defenatly don't take no Mexicans. Jose Chavez Y Chavez: Mexican-Indian you son-of-a-bitch. Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh: Oh! I'm sorry! Tell me something Chavez... was it the savages who put it to a Mexican whore or was it a savage who put it to the whole God damned Mexico! Jane Greathouse: [riding off naked on a horse] White Oaks, YOU CAN KISS MY ASS! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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