
已进入公元2000年,美国各地高中校园内暴力猖獗,少年各自拥枪自重,不时引发枪战。后经蓝福博士提供「铁腕教学」计划,青尔校长采用蓝福设计的人形机器教师,分别是哈丁、普莱先生和康纳小姐,皆具备文武兼修的精密程式。 三位机器人老师,对付顽劣的学生生辄动拳脚交加,未几便立威服众。一日,...更多>


Cody: Reach down the back of my pants. Christie: What? Cody: Come on! Live dangerously. Cody: I'm going in there to waste some teachers - are you with me? Doctor Miles Longford: They've been waging *war* with my students - whatever happened to *education*! Hector: The mind is a terrible thing to waste - don't make me waste yours. Mr. Hardin: I operate from a model of absolute zero tolerance. Cody: Now be careful! These things are like a bad, fucked up, George Jetson nightmare! Doctor Miles Longford: One million megabytes [as the teacher lifts his mouth over his whole head revealing the robot underneath]


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