The Little Kidnappers (1990)

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The Little Kidnappers
  • 片       名The Little Kidn...
  • 上映时间1990年08月17日(美国)
  • 导       演 Donald She...


  • Davy: Granddaddy, can Harry and me have a dog? James MacKenzie: What use is a dog David, you cannot eat a dog. Davy: Granddaddy, please don't eat it, it isn't fitting. [Willem is dropping off Kirsten at her house] Kirsten MacKenzie: This is far enough, Willem? Do not let my father see. Willem Hooft: Well, if your father has any sense, he would've been asleep for hours. [helps Kirsten off the buggy] Willem Hooft: I can't let you go without telling you how much I enjoyed being with you tonight. Kirsten MacKenzie: I never knew dancing could be so wonderful. [they kiss] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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