"Tiny Toon Adventures" (1990)

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"Tiny Toon Adventures"


  • advertisement Buster J.Bunny: Hi kids. I'm Buster Bunny. Babs: And I'm Babs Bunny. Buster and Babs: No relation. Babs: I'm tired of dating silly, immature little boys. I'd like to meet a sophisticated older guy with a special affinity for rabbits. Little Plucky: No! *I* push da button. No you push da button, *I* push da button. Not you turn, *my* turn. *I* push da button. Plucky: Good Work! You're demoted now! Shirley: Oh, what a loon I am... Oh, what a loon I am... Buster J.Bunny: Hey-a, Loon girl... any guess as what today's mystery meal is ? Shirley: Oooh, like this requires telekinetic communication, Buster. I'll have to, like, meld with the meal. Ok, it's coming. I am... I am... Poultry. Plucky: Let's do lunch. Shirley: Ewwww, I just lost my appetite. Plucky: Ya gotta help me, Shirl! Shirley: Get invisible Plucky. Your whining is stressing out my aura to the max, you lunchmeat! Plucky: [being dragged by a bus] I'd better stop this. I might get to like it. Sneezer: Bless me, I have a little cold. Babs: This place is supposed to be wild, crazy, and completely out of control! [beat] Babs: Hope I'm not bored. Babs: Pandemonium doesn't reign around here... it pours. Plucky: [gets hit by an anvil] Ah... That actually felt... good... Little Plucky: Elevator go down the hole. Little Plucky: Diaper go down the hole. Little Plucky: [flushing the toilet] Water go down the hole! Water come back! I want to do it again! Buster J.Bunny: Here's a little ditty. Babs: Ditty what? Buster J.Bunny: Ditty pay you for that joke? "Henny" Youngman: What do you think of Flushing, New York? Plucky: I think it would be a good idea. Montana Max: You can't do this to me; I'm rich! Plucky: [as BatDuck] I feel pretty. Buster J.Bunny: [about Taz] He's basically a drooling garbage disposal, but found to lovable by people with very little brains. Little Plucky: Hey you no push the button. I push the button. Gogo Dodo: [at the prom, carrying a fire hydrant] Hi, there. This is my date, Susie. Mary Melody: Hi... Susie. Gogo Dodo: Why are you talking to her back? [storms off] Mary Melody: Uh! I have got to transfer out of this school. Barbera Ann "Babs" Bunny: [after seeing Montana Max cut rabbit actors down with a chainsaw] Oh that's sick! Buster Bunny: Boo! Get it off. Montana Max: Hey what are you doing? Put me down. This will be a Christmas classic. [after being thrown out of the theater] Montana Max: THIS IS CENSORSHIP! I'LL SUE! Buster J.Bunny: Clich #1: Shrink our heroes. Babs: That's so crazy it just might work. Buster J.Bunny: That's Clich # Babs: Do my ears look better up or down? [Elmyra is supposed to talk about violence on TV] Elmyra Duff: I don't think there's enough violets on TV! What about shows like "The Violet Bunch?" Buster J.Bunny: Elmyra? Elmyra Duff: Or "I Love Violet?" Buster J.Bunny: Elmyra? Elmyra Duff: Oh, violets are oh-so-pretty... Buster J.Bunny: ELMYRA! Elmyra Duff: Yes? Buster J.Bunny: The issue is not *violets* on TV. It is *violence.* Too much *violence* on TV. Elmyra Duff: [holds up a violet] Oh, not this? Buster J.Bunny: No, this! [drops an anvil on Elmyra] Elmyra Duff: [weakly] Never you mind... Plucky: [annoyed by Hampton's lackluster performance on his movie set] Gimmie that. You just open up the can and say "ahh mango juice." [mast falls on top of Plucky] Elmyra Duff: [while babysitting Sneezer, he is about to sneeze] Why me? Babs: [after doing a montage of impersonations] Help... I fallen and I can't get up... Buster J.Bunny: [takes a sip of punch but spits it out] Alright who spiked the punch? [we see a spike sitting in the punch bowl] Elmyra Duff: I'll love them, and hug them and hold them forever! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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