Dream a Little Dream (1989)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名Dream a Little ...
  • 上映时间1989年03月03日
  • 导       演 马克罗科
  • 剧       情
    Bobby Kellar has a crush on Lainie Diamond, girlfriend of school jerk Joel. Coleman is working on an experiment which will help him move int...


  • Dinger: Why does everything you say have to revolve around sex? Why... why are you so perverted? Dinger: I should be at the dance. I was at the dance. Dancing perfectly. With a hot chick. She wanted me. I know she wanted me. Well every girl wants me. But instead I'm sitting out here freezing my ass off in some butt-ugly red Mustang. Bobby: Dinger, right? Dinger: Yeah, me Dinger, you Bobby. Me look cool, you look like shit, pal. That's okay, we'll make it a fashion statement. Lainie: Thank you for a frightening, confusing, strange and dangerous time. Dinger: That's right, you're messing with Rambo's little brother. Gus Keller: No milk, no cookies, nothing. Bobby Keller: You were expecting Freddy Krueger? Coleman Ettinger: Who's that? Bobby Keller: Forget it, it's before your time. Bobby Keller: I like it here... it's... Dreamy, if you catch my drift. Heh heh! Lainie Diamond: You're crazy. Bobby Keller: And I'm cute too. Aren't I? Bobby Keller: Heh... that's how I laugh... Heh! Dinger: What the Hell is Heh? Why can't you laugh like a man? Bobby Keller: Usually when you pack, moving tends to follow. Bobby Keller: Dinger, wake up. I gotta tell ya something. Dinger: Bobby, I'm sleeping. Sound asleep. I'm dreaming... dreaming of Apache women. Dinger: School's that way, yonder! Joel: I'm every girl's type. Bobby: Dinger! Dinger, wake up for a minute. I gotta talk to you, Buddy. Dinger: Bobby, I'm asleep. I'm fast asleep, Bobby. I'm dreaming. Apache women. Mai-taih's. Vannah White and a whip. Bobby: I'm in love. Dinger: That could be a problem. Bobby: I don't think you understand. Dinger: No, no, I do understand. I really do. Which hand is it this week *pal*? Bobby Keller: When you're young, every little thing seems so big. Dinger: That's "dumb-ass." And that might be a foreign object, but it ain't French. Dinger: What time is it? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dinger: Why did I look at my wrist? I don't have a watch, I never had a watch. Dinger: Wow, I always thought SAT meant Saturday Afternoon Test. What is up? Joel: Hey guys its a party! Who's got the chips? Dinger: Why am I running? I have... a broken... leg. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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