
  • Louise: You're the best thing in a thousand years, Bill. Coventry: You're talking about changing the past, and I know damn well we can't change the past! It catches up to us, and changes us! Louise: Well, we haven't changed much. We're all still dying, this place still stinks, and you are still as ugly as ever! Louise: Your mother was a cash register! Sherman: And she turned a tidy profit. [last lines] Sherman the Robot: It is not the end. It is not the beginning of the end. It is the end of the beginning. Bill Smith: [Louise and Bill have gotten into Louise's sports car; Louise rockets out of the parking space] Tower clear you for that take-off? Bill Smith: What happens when the timequake occurs Sherman: Like a nuclear bomb Louise: Come with us Sherman: I can't [Solemly stays behind to close up the time portal and is vapourised in the timequake] Louise: Watch that first step... it's a killer Dr. Arnold Mayer: [Last lines] I knew i was right Louise: [the escalator on which Louise and Bill are riding has just stopped] Well, we could be stuck here for hours. Maybe we'd better get acquainted. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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