Borders (1989)

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  • [first lines] Robert Anton Wilson: People complain that I'm crossing too many boundaries. [title card] Title Card: Every year, wealthy foundations offer fellowships to the most promising scientific minds in the country, WITH A FEW STRINGS ATTACHED. Ted: Excuse me. I think I'm lost. Is this the Wattsburg Research Lab or Club Fed? Guard: Your name, please? Ted: This doesn't much look like it does in the brochure, does it? Guard: All you Hertz fellows say the same thing. I need some I.D. [checks ID] Guard: Go to lot 92B, then get processed in personnel. Ted: I'm just here for the tour. I probably won't stay too long. Guard: Yeah. They all say that. Ted: Thank you. [to himself] Ted: These people are like the walking dead. Bob: You got to get your hands dirty sometime. Ted: Not if I keep them out of the mud. Bob: If you don't play in the mud, we kick you out of the sandbox. Robert Anton Wilson: The only intelligent way to discuss politics is on all fours. [last lines] Robert Anton Wilson: There is no one model that will solve all of our problems, or if there is, I haven't found it yet. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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