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"Agatha Christie: Poirot"

"Agatha Christie: Poirot" 8.9

1989-01-08(英国)| 灾难 犯罪 惊悚| 英国
上映时间:1989-01-08(英国) 类型: 灾难 犯罪 惊悚
评分: 力荐


advertisement Captain Hastings: Well, I hadn't thought of that. Hercule Poirot: If you are to be Hercule Poirot, you must think of everything. Hercule Poirot: [reading a brochure for a fitness program] 'Use your vigor to keep your figure.' Absurd! There is nothing wrong with the body of Poirot. He is in the peak of condition! Hercule Poirot: I am an imbecile. I see only half of the picture. Miss Lemon: I don't even see that. Hercule Poirot: [referring to Hastings' comment about him "making a mountain out of a molehill"] I am not making hills out of the molemounds! Hercule Poirot: I am not a bloody little Frog! I am a bloody little Belgian! [repeated line] Captain Hastings: I say, Poirot!

"Agatha Christie: Poirot"

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