A Friendship in Vienna (1988)

  • 美国
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  • 历史
  • 片       名A Friendship in...
  • 上映时间1988年08月27日
  • 导       演 Arthur All...
  • 剧       情
    Inge Dournenvald and Lise Mueller are best friends in pre-WW2 Austria, despite the fact that Inge is Jewish and Lise is the daughter of a Na...
  • 获       奖


  • Inge Dournenvald: There is a moment every winter when I remember that childhood winter. The winter of the Anschluss. The winter that Hitler invaded our country and took away all that my family and I held dear. Inge Dournenvald: I'm proud of being Jewish. Lise Mueller: I am holding something in my hand, Countess Zora. Does it penetrate your mind? Inge Dournenvald: Um... it is a... rather dirty hair pin! Inge Dournenvald: What's that song? Lise Mueller: I don't know. My brother taught it to me. Inge Dournenvald: I like it. Lise Mueller: I stood in front of your building all day, waiting for you to go in or out. Inge Dournenvald: I'm sorry. I didn't know. Lise Mueller: I know. Inge Dournenvald: We were at the hospital all day. Teacher: Ladies, we are supposed to be exercising our bodies, not our mouths. Lise Mueller: [to the teacher] Thanks for the clarification. [to Inge] Lise Mueller: Exercising doesn't seem to be doing her body much good. Opah Oskar Reikman: We are cleaning God's earth. There is no shame in that. Lise Mueller: Stay away from my brother, Lise. He's wicked and he's cruel. Hannah Dournenvald: Then Lise's brother Heinz is the boy who tried to kill your mother but succeeded only in breaking my leg. Lise Mueller: But it doesn't change the way I feel inside. Inge Dournenvald: Well, it changes the way I feel inside! Tommi Lowberg: They dehumanize us. They debase us. And they're not going to stop because of a plebescite. Teacher: Lise, go to your seat. Lise Mueller: This is my seat. Hannah Dournenvald: You're not taking anything you don't need, are you? Inge Dournenvald: No, Mother. Nothing I don't need. Inge Dournenvald: I think we both knew then that we would never see each other again. But when I look back at my life, at the people who really mattered, I see Lise. She is still the best friend I ever had. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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