
  • Father: Is she awake? Vincent: Yes. She's very frightened. Father: How could you bring a stranger down here? To where we live! You ignored our most important rule. Vincent: I know that. But there was no other way. Father: Do you know what they'd do if they caught you up there? Or found you down here? They'd kill you. Or put you behind bars and make you wish you were dead. How could you? Vincent: How could I have turned my back on her, and left her there? Father: [To Vincent] You know, you have the soul of a doctor. When I studied medicine, they wouldn't admit minorities. Wonder what they would have done with you? Let's not even think about it. [Gives Vincent a kiss on the cheek.] Vincent: We're below the city, below the subways. There's a whole world of tunnels and chambers that most people don't even know exists. There are no maps to where we are. It's a forgotten place. But it's warm, and it's safe, and we have all the room we need. So we live here and we try to live as well as we can. And we try to take care of each other. It's our city down here. Catherine Chandler: What are you doing down here? Why are you here? Vincent: I was a baby... abandoned... left to die. Someone found me, brought me here to the man who became my father. He took me, he raised me, he taught me everything...and he named me Vincent. That's where I was found, near the hospital, St. Vincent's. Catherine Chandler: I don't know what to believe. Vincent: It's all true. [Opening credits narration] Vincent: This is where the wealthy and the powerful rule. It is her world...a world apart from mine. Her name...is Catherine. From the moment I saw her, she captured my heart with her beauty, her warmth, and her courage. I knew then, as I know now, she would change my life...forever. Catherine Chandler: He comes from a secret place, far below the city streets, hiding his face from strangers, safe from hate and harm. He brought me there to save my life...and now, wherever I go, he is with me, in spirit. For we have a bond stronger than friendship or love. And although we cannot be together, we will never, ever be apart. Catherine Chandler: [referring to Vincent] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Father, I just want you to know. I would never hurt him. I love him. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Father: I know. I also know it can only bring him unhappiness. Catherine Chandler: Why do you say that? Father: Because part of him is a man. Father: She can only bring you unhappiness. Vincent: Then I'll be unhappy! Father: [referring to Vincent's relationship with Catherine] I sometimes feel that I'm standing on the bank of a raging river watching you try to swim across. How can I not worry? I'd be a fool. And yet, Vincent, sometimes I have to marvel at your courage. Vincent: Catherine swims across that river as well. She faces the same dangers, shows the same courage. And in many ways the toll on her is even greater. Father: You really think that's so? Vincent: On the other side of the river there is no one standing on the bank watching. On her side of the river there is no one praying for a safe passage. On her side of the river, Father, there is no one but Catherine. Father: Then I shall stand watch, and pray, for both of you. Devin: I've been having these dreams lately, about the tunnels. Weird, isn't it? I've been to Casablanca, the Himalayas, Paris...all over the world. Everywhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La! And I dream...about a hole in the ground. Vincent: It's not so weird, when that hole in the ground is home. Vincent: Every year they ask for the same stories. By now they must know them better than you do. Father: Well, you know, old stories are rather like old friends. Every once in a while, you have to drop in on them, just to see how they're doing. Bridget: The night has a special magic to it, don't you think? This night, especially. Vincent: Halloween. Bridget: In the Old Religion they call it Samhain. It's a night when the walls between the worlds grow thin, and spirits of the Underworld walk the earth. A night of masks and balefires, when anything is possible and nothing is quite as it seems. Your city has its own magic as well. Vincent: Catherine, I don't know what will happen now. Catherine Chandler: You must promise me one thing; that you'll share it with me. Whatever happens, whatever comes. Vincent: Whatever happens, whatever comes...know that I love you. Mitch Denton: I can't forget. And only God forgives. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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