"Inspector Morse" (1988)

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  • 犯罪  灾难
"Inspector Morse"


  • advertisement Morse: I always drink at lunchtime. It helps my imagination. Morse: The secret of a happy life is to know when to stop - and then go that bit further. Morse: When I'm thinking, I get thirsty. Morse: Drink that, Lewis, and loosen some brain cells. [repeated line] Morse: [disparagingly] LEW-is! [as Lewis makes a chance remark which unwittingly provides Morse with a major clue] Morse: You've done it *again*, Lewis! Morse: There's always time for one more pint. Morse: *Morse*. Everyone just calls me "Morse". [after Morse has been hit on the head] Morse: 'Tis not so wide as a church door nor so deep as a river, but 'tis enough. Morse: I'm tired, Lewis Lewis: What caused that, sir? Morse: Lack of sleep. Morse: Coded messages, murder - right up my street. It's not a bad way to start the day. Morse: Ideals come to torment us all at some stage, or at least they should do. [to Lewis, feeling sorry for himself] Morse: I'm old and unmarried, and I don't understand human nature. What does it matter? Lewis: How old are you? Morse: I forget, Robbie. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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