
  • David Addison: Women: You can't live with them, can't leave 'em on the curb when you're done with them. [repeated throughout series during arguments] David Addison: [yelling] Fine! Madelyn 'Maddie' Hayes: [yelling] Fine! [both stalk into their offices and slam the doors behind them] David Addison: All right! You're looking great, kid! I'm right behind ya. Now, don't look back and try and see me, just know that I'm right in back of you, and -- yes, I am looking up your dress. Madelyn 'Maddie' Hayes: How do you know he's dead? David Addison: It's either that or the man wears an obscene amount of blue rouge. Madelyn 'Maddie' Hayes: I want some answers! David Addison: Deleware, all of the above, and 90 degrees. Madelyn 'Maddie' Hayes: ...what? David Addison: Looks to me like you didn't finish the whole nine innings. Criminal: What? Madelyn 'Maddie' Hayes: What? David Addison: Don't gang up on me! I don't write this stuff. David Addison: Hi, could you please tell me where I can find Booth Three? Woman Behind Counter: [Stares blankly back as if she can't see or hear him] David Addison: Ah, I see. First living brain donor. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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