
  • Roger Revel: [to Troy] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 1a0 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • How can you be so stupid, huh? Would you tell me how you can be so damn stupid? As if we don't have enough problems. We're in the middle of a lawsuit, buddy. Three girls - three of our own students. Why don't you go to some other school and get their girls pregnant? You know what this is gonna do to the school? You know how it's gonna look? Teamwork, Troy, does not mean going out and starting your own team. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • f5c 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Dr. Donna Burke: We, the board members present, think that you should tender your resignation. Alex Jurel: My resignation? What for? Dr. Donna Burke: Because, Mr. Jurel, no one here wants to go through the pain of firing you. [Paramedic checks for Ditto's pulse] Paramedic: This guy's dead. School Nurse: [holding a lit cigarette] Really? How can you tell? Lisa: [Lisa has just handed Alex a subpoena while he is in the men's room] Lisa: It really is good to see you, Mr. Jurel. Alex Jurel: Considering how much you've seen, who don't you call me Alex? Alex Jurel: [to his class] All right, if you're not here, speak up. [the class laughs] Alex Jurel: There's nothing worse than a female lawyer with a cause. Lisa: Except a male teacher without one. Roger Revel: We're not here to worry about one kid, we're trying to get as many through with what we've got. Roger Revel: You're not gonna betray ol' JFK, are ya? Alex Jurel: Aw, come on, for Christ's sake, Roger! That'd be like shitting on the Peace Corps! You haven't lived 'till you see them try to serve me with a subpoena. Diane: [Jurel has taken Dianne to have an abortion] Listen, can I bum a cigarette? Alex Jurel: Diane, look, I don't think... Diane: [Interrupting] Mr. Jurel, I just had an abortion. I think I'm old enough to smoke. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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