"Miami Vice" Brother's Keeper (1984)

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"Miami Vice" Brother's Keeper


  • Sonny Crockett: ...then Mr. GQ here makes a special guest appearance from New York! Sonny Crockett: You ever consider a career in southern law enforcement? Ricardo Tubbs: Maybe I have... Ricardo Tubbs: [meets Elvis the alligator] Hey get him away from me man! I don't even like alligator shoes! Sonny Crockett: Awww, you'll hurt his feelings...! Sonny Crockett: [after discussing Sonny's college football successes, Tubbs asked why wasn't he in the pros] Some Southeast Asian conference. Ricardo Tubbs: Vietnam? Sonny Crockett: [sarcasm] No, Coney Island...! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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