高尔基公园 (1983)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 惊悚  犯罪
  • 片       名高尔基公园
  • 上映时间1983年12月15日
  • 导       演 迈克尔·艾普特
  • 剧       情


  • Professor Andreev: Promise me I can have your face when the breath has left your body. Irina Asanova: KGB have better cars, you know. Arkady Renko: Ah, but they don't always take you where you want to go, do they? Irina Asanova: The director of that film promised me a pair of new boots if I went to bed with him. Think I should? Arkady Renko: Well, the winter's almost over. Irina Asanova: Exactly, and me a Siberian, I'm used to the cold. Arkady Renko: It is more than possible that KGB killed those three people. Iamskoy: I agree. Arkady Renko: Then it is likely they are laying a trap for me. Iamskoy: Why? Arkady Renko: Three years ago I tried to arrest Major Pribluda. I proved he was an assassin. You remember those two bodies found by the river. Iamskoy: God, its cold out here. You want to freeze my blood even more? Arkady Renko: I always wanted to meet an American. You are so, so different. Forgive me for staring. Only once before did I ever meet an American, in the flesh, so to speak. A young student, Kirwell I think he was called. James Kirwell. Jack Osborne: Oh? Arkady Renko: But he was dead. Jack Osborne: That doesn't count then, does it? Jack Osborne: There's a sliver of food on your upper lip. Arkady Renko: I'm just a plodding investigator, no style. Completely out of my depth. Oh, yes. Three bodies, three people, shot down and mutilated in Gorky Park, and me, I have food on my lip. Jack Osborne: Not even caviar at that. I somehow feel that the executioner, whoever he may be, would have preferred somebody, a more nimble opponent. William Kirwill: You know what a born-again Christian is, Renko? Arkady Renko: No. William Kirwill: Born-again Christians. They don't smoke, they don't swear, they don't fuck, all they do is talk about Jesus, try to walk on the goddamn water. That was Jimmy, God love him. Arkady Renko: I'm trying to save a life. Anton: Whose? Arkady Renko: Mine! I'm on a case that reeks of KGB involvement. Arkady Renko: Too many people in our society disappear. They fall into a gulf. Professor Andreev: What sort of gulf? Arkady Renko: The gulf between what is said and what is done. [Renko is talking very loudly, and Andreev's lab technicians are listening] Professor Andreev: You may not be much longer for this world, my fine imprudent fellow. Professor Andreev: [after reconstructing the face of the dead woman from Gorky Park] Goodbye, pretty lady. Natasha: [Renko and his friend Anton are drinking brandy when Anton's wife, Natasha, brings them vodka] Wouldn't you two rather drink good Soviet vodka? Arkady Renko: No, Natasha, wicked French wine will do. Levin: [Levin has just sawed off the heads of two of the Gorky Park corpses for reconstruction] Do you want the third one? Arkady Renko: We have no idea what the big man looked like. Besides, how many do you think I can carry? Levin: Just so long as you know what to say if they stop you in the street. Maj. Pribluda: [Pribluda suddenly arrives on the scene of the Gorky Park killings] Greetings, Comrades! I bring you hot water bottles! Pasha: [Renko and Pasha are discussing likely KGB involvement in the Gorky Park murders] Is it that shit-head Pribluda? Arkady Renko: That's like asking if the girl is a virgin when you see her in bed with a man on top of her. Pasha: What man? [Renko gives him a "you're missing the point" look] Pasha: Oh. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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