
新劫后英雄传 (1982) 5.1


1982-02-23(美国)| 冒险 爱情| 英国
上映时间:1982-02-23(美国) 类型: 冒险 爱情
获奖信息:美国电视艾美奖(1982年)   提名:1
评分: 力荐

一位年轻骑士艾凡霍(安东尼安德鲁斯),当他打完圣战回家后,发现非但没有人欢迎他,他的父亲还宣布剥夺他的继承权、未婚妻罗温娜(莉赛特安东尼)也和别人订婚了... 当艾凡霍试图收复他失去的一切时,发现他唯一的朋友是个犹太商人(詹姆斯梅森)和他美丽的女儿,而这对父女甚至于甘冒...更多>


Friar Tuck: Make room, make room for your godly father and his prisoner. I am like an eagle, with it's prey in it's clutches. A victim to my sword. Isaac of York: For the love of God would someone take me away from this madman.


Robin Hood


: Where did you find him? Friar Tuck: I was looking for a draft of noble Norman wine, when down in the cellar I found this infidel. I was going to beat his brains out but I took pity upon his gray hair and converted him then and there. Isaac of York: That's a lie, I'm not converted, he lies. Friar Tuck: You call me a liar, then I must teach you better manners. [about to punch Isaac of York] King Richard: [Stops Friar Tuck] Stike me friar if you dare. I'll stand by your blow if you'll stand by mine. Friar Tuck: Right, then down you go. [Punches King Richard who barely moves] King Richard: Now, my turn [Punches Friar Tuck who falls to the ground] Friar Tuck: I think you broke my jaw. King Richard: I think not, you can still speak. Come, let's put an end to this nonsense. [Helps Friar Tuck up] Isaac of York: I am Isaac of York. Has anyone seen my daughter Rebecca? Robin Hood: We saw her. Carried off by Brian Guilbert when the castle fell. Isaac of York: Is done dead. Where was she taken? Robin Hood: If I had to guess, I would say north to Templestone where the knights of the Templar gather. Isaac of York: I must leave at once, I must pay the ransom. Please, who would guide me, I will pay money to anyone who would guide me. Friar Tuck: Oh dear, sweet, gentle Jew... I apologize if we had harsh words before. I would be happy to guide you to Templestone for a small fee. 200 stekas. Isaac of York: 200 stekas. Friar Tuck: We shall leave in the morning. Isaac of York: We shall leave at once. Friar Tuck: We leave at once. Edward: [When the hour for a champion for Rebecca passes] It is time Reverend Father. Grand Master: Proceed. Edward: What a pity. To perish without one blow being struck on her behalf. If she were the least bit of a Christian I might champion her myself. Grand Master: Proceed! Brian de Bois-Guilbert: Rebecca, hear me, listen. We can still escape, I have a strong black stallion waiting at the edge of the field. Rebecca: No Brian de Bois-Guilbert: In the name of God then, I beg you to renounce your faith and admit your guilt. Grand Master:


Reverend and valiant men, Christian brothers of every degree. I regret to inform you, that the raging wolf has made an inroad upon this flock and is attempting to carry off one of our members. We therefore summon to our presence this woman by name Rebecca. A woman infamous for her witcheries. She has madden the blood and besotted the brain of a knight devoted to the service of our holy temple, the very preceptor of our order, Brian Guilbert. Yes, it is true, that such a man can cast away concern for his character, his vows to our order for an infidel. What else can we surmise than he is possessed by some evil demon or wicked spirit.


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