
  • Rosemary Hume: Male company will be a pleasant relief in this hothouse of female emotions. Jim Craig: I think they're trying to make a butler out of me. Jessica Harrison: They're trying to make a lady out of me. Jim Craig: Well, they won't have no luck. Jessica Harrison: Thank you very much! Jim Craig: Now hold on, I didn't mean... Jessica Harrison: I don't suppose they'll have any luck making a gentleman out of you, either. Jim Craig: There are a dozen good brood mares in that mob. I'll be back for them... and for whatever else is mine. Jim Craig: United in death, the minister said. Spur: Superstition. Jim Craig: It's a nice thought, Spur. Spur: It's a great comfort to widows and fools. There's more to life than death, Jim. Harrison: You have a long way to go yet, lad. Spur: He's not a lad, brother, he's man. He's a man! [Harrison is threatening to send Jessica away to a ladies' college] Jessica Harrison: No! I won't go! Harrison: [slaps Jessica] You're as deceitful as your mother. Curly: I'm studying to be supervisor Jim Craig: [to Curly] Studying to be stupid. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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