Hey Good Lookin' (1982)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  喜剧
Hey Good Lookin'
  • 片       名Hey Good Lookin...
  • 上映时间1982年10月01日(美国)
  • 导       演 拉尔夫·巴克希


  • Vinnie: Well, listen, Ms. Movie star - Vinnie doesn't pay for it. OK? Vinnie NEVER pays for it. Crazy Shapiro: It's Roz! It's Roz! It's Roz! It's Roz! Crazy Shapiro: Some nights I... I just feel like painting a picture. Vinnie: Hey, Norman Rockwell - paint me a picture. Crazy Shapiro: I didn't say I painted. I said I "felt like" like it. Vinnie: Hey, there are over twenty million faggots in New York that "feel like it?" You wanna make it twenty million and one? Old Vinnie: If there was one thing we learned back then that's still true now, it's that if you turn a woman upside down, they all look alike. So why bother? Crazy Shapiro: When I'm up on the roof, it's like nothing can touch me. You know, it's all so quiet and beautiful, with the whole city right out in front of my eyes. [watching Crazy Shapiro and Vinnie fighting each other] Eva: Here I am right in the middle of it - defiant youth in action! Solly: [after shooting at Crazy] I hate that lousy, no-good kid o' mine. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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