熄灯号 (1981)

  • 美国
  • 片       名熄灯号
  • 上映时间1981年12月09日
  • 导       演 哈诺德·贝克
  • 剧       情
    碉堡山军官预校的校长是一个具有强烈好斗精神的军官,他一向的治学方针是培养学生强烈的战斗精神。不过,当地政府计划将该校拆除,以利于发展当地的城市建设。在双方没有达成共识的情况下,当地政府强行拆除,有部分学生誓死护校,并武装起来与军警对抗。   本片故事情节虽有点令人难以置信,但编导...


  • Brian Moreland: Honor doesn't count for shit when you're looking at a dead little boy. Brian Moreland: Sir, how could they do this? General Harlan Bache: With the stroke of a pen, sir. Their field of honor was a desktop. General Harlan Bache: Was I scared! I must have lost fifty pounds, all of it brown. Alex Dwyer: What the hell were you doing back there? David Shawn: At least I had your ass over the grinder and it's okay enough to thank me, shithead! Brian Moreland: Hut! What's the problem? Alex Dwyer: The problem is that this asshole just shot the town! David Shawn: Hey, Brian, Dungeons and Dragons game tonight? Brian Moreland: Nah, not tonight, Shawn. Alex Dwyer: Nice of you to ask. David Shawn: [gives Dwyer the finger] Alex Dwyer: Have a good day. David Shawn: Brian, Dungeons and Dragons game tonight? Brian Moreland: Can't. [David flips Alex the finger] Alex Dwyer: Have a good day. [Firing machine gun] David Shawn: It's beautiful, man! [the cadets have taken over the academy] Master Sergeant Kevin Moreland: Let me tell 'em it was growing pains - the wrong execution of the right idea. Brian Moreland: "The wrong execution of the right idea"? Colonel Kerby: You're not a soldier! I'm a soldier, with the career goal of all soldiers - staying alive in situations where it ain't all that easy to do! You're a death-lover. Some sorry son of a bitch has got you convinced that dying for a cause is oh, so romantic. Well, that's the worst kind of all the kinds of bullshit there is! David Shawn: [about firing his assault rifle at the townies and cops, to facilitate their escape] I saw my duty, and I did it. Parent: Sergeant, we aren't in the Army. Master Sergeant Kevin Moreland: No need for apologies. Brian Moreland: I don't ever want to see what I just saw out there. J.C. Pierce: [the truck won't start] Aw, shit! Alex Dwyer: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Want me to check under the hood? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • J.C. Pierce: For what? Alex Dwyer: I'll know when I get there, won't I? Brian Moreland: We have a home here. We think it's something worth defending. General Harlan Bache: [Bache is talking with Moreland and the outgoing Cadet Major, on the occassion of Moreland's ascendancy to the same rank for the next class] Honor. Burglar-proof, fool-proof, weather-proof, one hundred-proof. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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