
  • Krystle: Blake, you have a great talent for knowing where oil is and how to get it out. Kirby: You bitch! Alexis: If I am, take a lesson from me, you may need it in life. Krystle: Alexis is a very complex woman, who seems to inspire passion in people, you either love her or you hate her and she seems to enjoy it either way. Dex: So therefore I figured we could break breadsticks together and talk about what really goes on behind closed doors. Alexis: That's what closed doors are for to keep out the curious. Alexis: I don't care whether your relationship with Dex is personal or professional, Dex is mine, in the boardroom and in the bedroom. Lady Ashley Mitchell: Bought and paid for Alexis. Alexis: I've never had to pay for it Ashley, have you? Alexis: [while trapped in a burning cabin with Krystle] This is all your fault every time you come into my life something terrible happens to me! Blake: God damn it Alexis. I'm tired of your lies! Tracy Kendall: [to Alexis] Why don't YOU sleep with him? I hear that's your specialty. And don't bother saying, "You"re fired, Miss Kendall" - because Miss Kendall just quit. Fallon: We were all out. Scattered. Like big old pin-rubies looking for their lost setting. D.A. Jake Dunham: Where did you meet? Stephen: We were at a party. D.A. Jake Dunham: What kind of a party? Stephen: I - I don't understand the question. D.A. Jake Dunham: Well, was it a gay party? Gay, not as in happy, but as in homosexual. [Everyone laughs uproariously] D.A. Jake Dunham: The intent of the question was not to amuse! The intent was to get a direct answer from the witness! Stephen: No! It was not a GAY party. It was a reception after an art opening. Krystle: Half the people in Denver have a motive for wanting to destroy Alexis. Krystle: Alexis, I love the desk. The tusks - they're so you. Dominique Deveraux: Alexis, I didn't thank you for your present. Dominique Deveraux: [she slaps Alexis] Alexis: [rubbing her newly slapped cheek] It is he you should slap, my dear... not I. Fallon: Adam's dull wit needs all the sharpening it can get. Alexis: [to Krystle] I just can't wait for the day when I see you walking out of this house carrying the same two cheap plastic suitcases that you walked in here with. Alexis: Wasn't there a singing nun named Dominique? Alexis: Nobody takes me to bed and to the cleaners in one night. Adam: You're not going to like having me as an enemy. Blake: It couldn't be worse than having you as a son. Dominique Deveraux: Alexis! Alexis: What do you want? Dominique Deveraux: I've heard you don't care for my singing. Alexis: That's right. It's the truth that hurts. Dominique Deveraux: The truth? I hope you say that when I sue you in court for libel. Alexis: Oh, you'd only make a fool of yourself, Dominique. Everyone knows you're nothing but a... second-rate lounge act. Dominique Deveraux: I don't care what you say to my face, you viper! Retract this or I'll cram it down your throat! Alexis: Will you? [slaps newspaper out of Dominique's hand] Dominique Deveraux: [after a viscous catfight] Anytime... anytime you want more of the same, I'll be waiting for you! Alexis: And I'll be waiting for you to tell the world what a no-talent has-been you are! [to Blake] Alexis: You're at somebody else's mercy now. You're finally getting a taste of your own medicine- and when it becomes to bitter for you, when you start to cough and choke on it, then you'll be back, to accept the only offer that I'm ever going to make! I have an appointment Blake. You know the way out. Alexis: You're so terribly out of touch Blake. So terribly misguided in your thinking. My company can afford to plant daisies in that acerage. So I'm afraid that my offer for your process is zero. Blake: Don't you try to bluff me Alexis. Alexis: I don't have to bluff you Blake. Gone are the days when you were king of my fate, when you exiled me from my children and threw me out of Denver. Alexis: I know what's wrong with you... The empty armed Madonna, mourning the baby that she couldn't have and the baby that she almost got to adopt... Gone now... That is it, isn't it? Krystle: You miserable bitch! [Pushes Alexis into a nearby pond and they both fall in] Alexis: [With a basktet of cut roses] I-I had uh, Tony cut these for me for a still life that I'm planning to paint. Blake: No need to apologize and no need to lie either Alexis. Alexis: Lie? Blake: Tony has the day off. Paul is handeling the gardens. Alexis: Oh, Blake... In the good times, and there were alot of good times, you use to forgive me my fibs... I mean, my little fibs. Dex: You have managed to say no every time we've met. You said no to Tar Sands. You said no to dinner. Alexis: Well, you seem to thrive on rejection. Dex: Unless we make a deal now, in another five minutes, the offer goes to 70- If I were you, I would take advantage of the sale price. Alexis: Oh, I never buy anything on sale, Mr. Dexter. Dominique Deveraux: I almost felt... sorry for you. Alexis: Hmm. Save your pity, Dominique. You're going to need it for yourself. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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