Southern Comfort (1981)

  • 美国 瑞士
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  • 惊悚  战争
  • 片       名Southern Comfor...
  • 上映时间1981年09月25日
  • 导       演 沃尔特·希尔
  • 剧       情
    A squad of National Guards on an isolated weekend exercise in the Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives when they anger local Cajuns by...


  • Spencer: It's all set. Noleen and her bayou queens. Just a little something for morale. And let me add, Sergeant, that these women are expecting some, uh, small unit military penetration. Hardin: Four of them with automatic weapons against some swamp rat. I make it even money. Simms: Why are we following this dumb bastard? Stuckey: Because he's got stripes. Spencer: Here's your ammo... blade to the throat, huh, that how they do these things in El Paso? Hardin: Yeah, that's how they do things where I grew up. Spencer: Thought you're some kind of chemical engineer. Hardin: I am, and I'm out of the habit of spending time with a bunch of gun-totin' rednecks. Spencer: Well, you know how it is, down here in Louisiana, we don't carry guns, we carry ropes, RC colas and moon pies, we're not too smart, but we have a real good time. Bowden: Well I do what I do. Staff Sgt. Crawford Poole: [when they first meet] ... So, Hardin, how do you like being in the Louisiana Guard? Hardin: [flat] I don't. but then I didn't much like being in the Texas Guard, either. Staff Sgt. Crawford Poole: ...Well, not liking the Texas Guard makes sense. Not liking the LOUISIANA Guard can get you in trouble with me. Get what I'm saying? Cajun Trapper: I aint gonna kill y'all if I don't got ta... you got a bayou over dere... take it... stay to the west side... you're gonna find a road about a mile up dere Hardin: Do you mind tellin us what the Hell this is all about? Cajun Trapper: It real simple... we live back in here... dis is our home, and nobody don't fuck with us Hardin: What about HIM Cajun Trapper: What about 'im? Hardin: Did he do it to himself or did your friends help him out? Cajun Trapper: [fires shot at Hardin's feet] Now,if I was you all, I'd quit askin' questions and haul ass... 'cause my buddies... dey not nice like me Hardin: Are we supposed to say thanks? Cajun Trapper: You not supposed to say nuttin'... soldier Hardin: I got news for you. He's nuts. I mean really fuckin' nuts. Cpl. Lonnie Reece: Voulez vous fuck me! Spencer: And what'd you paint the cross on your chest for? Bowden: That's part of the joke. Spencer: What joke? Bowden: It's a corporal joke, private. Caspar: Oh what the hell Bowden, you dumb son of a bitch, you just blew up all the supplies we captured, all the guns, the ammo, the food... Bowden: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Caspar! Comes a time when you have to abandon principles and do what's right. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Cajun Trapper: Kill him! Kill him! Spencer: Smokes made it through the water, huh? Hardin: Yeah, saved a pack. Lucky, huh? Sgt. Casper: [looking at a map, obviously puzzled] There's supposed to be a river here. Spencer: Them ecology boys must've moved it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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