"Hill Street Blues" (1981)

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"Hill Street Blues"
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  • advertisement [Repeated line] Sergeant Phil Esterhaus: Hey, let's be careful out there. Andy Renko: [in Reindeer costume, as a charity benefit leads to a chase] Oh my Gawd! Here it is Christmas Eve, and I'm gonna get shot dead in a moose suit! [repeated line] Sergeant Stan Jablonski: Let's do it to them before they do it to us. Joyce Davenport: I want you to know that what you did tonight frightens me. Furillo: I understand. Joyce Davenport: Do you? Furillo: This is the kind of crime that tears the city apart. It brings out what's savage in thousands of people. It has to be dealt with very quickly. Joyce Davenport: So the book goes out the window? Furillo: I went by the book. I pushed a little hard at the bindings. Joyce Davenport: That's a crock of the well known article, Furillo. You bulldozed... Furillo: [Interrupting] I did what I've seen you do for clients fifty times. I used every resource. Joyce Davenport: Furillo, I'm a public defender. I play a role in a system of checks and balances. And other people are supposed to play their's with the same kind of energy. You, with your jungle justice, threw that all out of whack tonight. Gerald Chapman would have confessed to killing Abraham Lincoln to avoid that mob tonight. Furillo: I can live with what I did, Joyce. I went by my instincts, and they were right. Under these circumstances I'd do it again. Joyce Davenport: You can trust your instincts, Frank. Maybe even I can trust your instincts. But I don't want to trust everybody's instincts. I want there to be rules and I want them to be obeyed, especially by people who wear badges and guns. You perverted the law tonight. And you're so damn happy about snagging your confession, you don't even begin to see it yet. Please, see it, Frank. [Furillo is silent; Davenport sighs] Joyce Davenport: How's Fay? Is she all right. Furillo: I talked to her. She has a couple of stitches in her yead. Yeah, she's all right. Joyce Davenport: [Davenport starts to leave the office and stops. She does not look at Furillo] Frank, I don't think I want to be with you tonight. Furillo: I understand. [Davenport opens the door and Furillo stop her] Furillo: Gerald not only gave us a confession, he gave us the location of the murder weapon. There's no mistake her. These are the killers. Joyce Davenport: [Looks at Furillo evenly] Is that where you make your stand finally, Frank? The oldest excuse in the world - the ends justify the means? Sergeant Stan Jablonski: This means that there is to be no smoking within the building. Violation will result in penalties. Detective J.D. La Rue: Gee, I hope dad doesn't find out. I might not get the car this weekend. [Answering frequent phone calls] Detective Mick Belker: Belker. Hi, ma. Detective Mick Belker: I'm a police officer and you... are... BUSTED! [Buntz shot two drug dealers in his apartment] Cop: Is this a perp? Lieutenant Norman Buntz: No. Sid the Snitch: No, just an impoverished person. [Buntz takes $100 from Sid's wallet and rips it in half] Lieutenant Norman Buntz: If you want the other half of this $100, you'll do your job. Sid the Snitch: That man is an inspirational genius. [Repeated Line] Belker: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! Belker: Sit, hairball! Washington: Hey, let's just do our job. Hey Babe? LaRue: Hey man, we're wasting our time, hunh? Now the scene's been trampled on by half the neighborhood, I can get a better suspect description out of Helen Keller and Forensics is tied up until next Easter. It's a write-off man. Bernstein: Are you kidding? Frank, there's a lynch mob out there. Furillo: I know there's a lynch mob out there. I think I can use it. Daniels: I'm saying the entire criminal justice community is against you, Captain. So she killed some street scum as he's committing a crime, so what? What about a man who tries to incinerate his wife and his son? Isn't that the real outrage? Sort our your priorities Frank. I'm busy cleaning up your mess. Joyce Davenport: That should give you enough time to shave her head and tattoo a number on her arm. [Examining the wristwatch on the severed arm of a car accident victim] Washington: Check it out. 8: Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'! Paul 'The Wall' Srignoli: Gina! Andy Renko: Oh Lord, he's alive. Gina Srignoli: Ahh. The fat pig has come back to life. I'm cursed. [Furillo's first lines in the series] Furillo: Look at this! You got the address wrong on the warrant. [overlapping] Esterhaus: Captain, we never shoulda stopped doing these in pencil. Furillo: ...so when the man *understandably* objects to being arrested, Earps here hits him with a board! Earps: We had to, boss. We couldn't get his attention. Det. Harry Garibaldi: [Mayo thinks her dentist fondled her breasts on tape while she was under anesthesia] Well, Patsy, I can't comment on the tape, you know, unless I've seen the real thing. Sort of as a comparision, you know. Det. Patsy Mayo: [Points to her breasts] Harry, these are *not* in your future. Joyce Davenport: That's a crock of the well known article. Furillo: [commenting on an arrest by a female officer] Nice bust, officer. Daniels: [to the Deputy Chief] That's the most accurate thing Furillo's said today. Andy Renko: [Renko is involved in a scam that may lead to a big arrest] I can see it now; "Detective" Renko, "Sergeant" Renko, "Hero" Renko... Officer Robert 'Bobby' Hill: Convict Renko, unemployed Renko, Going to jail Renko. Joyce Davenport: [confronting Furillo in his office] You want an open relationship? You've got an open relationship. [she kisses him in full view of the squad room] Andy Renko: [Renko has hurt himself trying to lift something heavy] Oh, Bobby... I think I herniated myself! Captain Freedom: Stop this criminal act! Andy Renko: [having a dye pack in a bag of stolen money explode on him] Oh, Lordy, I'm green! Sergeant Stan Jablonski: In light of the ongoing personnel shortage, I will be riding with Officer Bates today. Sergeant Stan Jablonski: [Squadroom erupts in laughter] Hey, hey! They recommissioned the Wisconsin didn't they? Detective J.D. La Rue: [laughing] Hey, and it sunk! LaRue: [Internal Affairs thinks LaRue is on a porno tape] Captain, I swear, I didn't do this. This guy hired me to appear in a home security video, I shot the first scene and then saw that it was strictly a First Amendment issue and left. I didn't even get paid. Look, Captain, I swear that isn't me in the video! Look, that guy has a tattoo on his ass! I don't and I can prove it! [drops his pants] LaRue: See! Washington: [Furillo leaves the room and Washington walks in] Captain spank your bottom, Babe? Radio Dispatcher: [Radio call in opening credits of every episode] Dispatch, we have a 9-11, armed robbery in progress - see Surplus Store - corner of People's Drive and 124th street 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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