碧血长天 (1980)

  • 美国
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  • 科幻  冒险  战争
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  • 1小时43分钟
本片讲述了美国尼米兹号航空母舰在进行维修时,突然穿过时光隧道,回到二次世界大战前夕。舰上官兵目睹日本飞机正要对珍珠港发动攻击启发战端,面对这场战争他们必须作出选择。凭借影片奇异的想象力,本片获得1982年德国Golden Screen最佳科幻影片奖。影片中,当一架F-14战斗机做出一个悬崖跳水动作后在即将要撞到水面时拉起,戏耍了尾随在后的日本“0”式侦察机。该镜头中F-14飞行时产生的音效并不仅仅有实录的F-14声音,还混入了飞行员的妻子头一次看到这一素材时发出的犀利尖叫,在影院里的效果十分震撼。在拍摄第一场镜头CAG 的熊猫战斗机从珍珠港起飞时,整个剧组对熊猫战斗机尾气喷射威力的半径估计不足,一个摄影机被战斗机喷出的气流吹倒,导演不得不修改剧本,将原来的移动镜头全部改成固定机位拍摄。 唐.泰勒导演本片的最大特色是在尼米兹号上实地拍摄,所以映象壮阔,为这个科幻故事增加了不少说服力。柯克.道格拉斯和马丁.辛扮演海军军官,演出都相当精彩,成功地用剧情和细节的戏剧张力弥补了本片在特技上的不足。


  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • This is the captain, I am speaking to every man aboard this ship. In the past few hours many things have happened; rumors of nuclear attacks and a third world war are totally untrue. We have no reason to believe that any aggression has been taken against our homes our families. I believe what we stumbled across is not man-made but a phenomena of nature, one that can't be explained. This phenomena is the storm in which the Nimitz went through less than 18 hours ago, the storm has had some effect on time as we know it, it created a portal, a door into another era. Today is December 7, .. I'm sure we are all aware of the significance of this date in this place in history. We are going to fight a battle that was lost before most of you were born. This time, with God's help, its going to be different... Good Luck. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [an F-14 pilot is reporting the identity of a pair of enemy planes to Captain Yelland over the radio] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Alert 1 this is Eagle 1, what've you got? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Two Japanese Zeroes, sir. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Two what? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Two Trophy Class Mitsubishi A6Ms in original condition, complete with all markings. I mean, they look brand new sir! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Have you been spotted? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Negative, we're right in the sun at their 6 o'clock high. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Stay in visual contact, take no action without clearance. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Wilco Eagle 1, out. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [one of the F-14's barely dodges a burst of gunfire from one of the Zeroes] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Why the hell are we playing with these guys? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Senator Chapman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • This is, uh, Senator Samuel S. Chapman, of the United States Senate onboard the aircraft carrier Nimitz. Captain Yelland is here with me. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pearl Harbor Radio Operator: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • You're on a what? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Senator Chapman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • I repeat. I am Senator Samuel S. Chapman onboard the U.S.S. Nimitz. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pearl Harbor Radio Operator: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Alright, whoever the hell you are. Use of military frequencies by unauthorized personnel is a felony. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Senator Chapman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Now listen here, sir! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pearl Harbor Radio Operator: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • As we have no aircraft carrier Nimitz and no Captain Yelland I suggest, asshole, that you stop impersonating some other asshole and get off the air! You're wasting our time! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Senator Chapman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • How dare you talk to me that way! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • If the United States falls under attack our job is to defend her in the past, present and future. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • And after that? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • After that, we take our orders from the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [after recieving the order to abort the attack on the Japanese Task Force] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Strike Leader: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Read you loud and clear. Strike force this is strike leader, return to base, mission aborted. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #1: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Mission aborted? But we can see 'em! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #2: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • They're gonna let the Japs do it again. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [first lines] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [voice over radio] Pearl Tower, Tomcat two-zero-zero. requesting clearance for departure runway zero-nine. Over. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pearl Harbor Tower: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [voice over radio] Two-zero-zero, Pearl Harbor Tower. You are cleared runway oh-niner. Winds zero-four-five at eight. SH-three approaching from the right. Have a nice day. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [last lines] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Richard Owens: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Welcome back, Mr. Lasky. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Laurel, Commander Owens. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Richard Owens: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Please join us. We have a lot to talk about. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #1: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [the Japanese Zeroes have just destroyed the Yacht] They blew it to pieces! They must've hit the fuel tank! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Any survivors? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #1: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Stand by... Affirmative. One, two, three Mae West. Hey wait a minute! Those bastards are turning back, they're gonna strafe them in the water! Request permission to arm and fire! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Eagle Control to Alert One, you are clear to arm, but don't fire. Throw them off, play with them, but do not fire. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #1: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Affirmative! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [the F-14's proceed to intercept the Zeroes] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Air Boss: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [the A-7 has just landed after the first time storm] Crash on deck, crash on deck, all personnel respond now! Let's get out there and watch for fire! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [the Corsair is inbound to the Nimitz before the first time storm] Nimitz, this is 412, I have an unsafe hook indicator, over. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Air Boss: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 412, roger unsafe hook. Recycle your hook. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Pilot: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Negative, I've tried that. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Air Ops Officer: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 412, your transmission's poor, say your fuel state. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Air Boss: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [over the intercom to the bridge] Captain, Boss, that Corsair's in real trouble, can't get his tailhook down. I think we better take him in the barricade. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Rig it! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Still think it's a dream? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • It's a nightmare. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #1: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Say, Fox... that woke 'em up 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #2: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Yeah, but I think we should give 'em another shot! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky, you've been a genuine pain-in-the-ass... but it was nice to have known you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Thank you, Captain I appreciate that. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Good luck to you 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Charlie The Dog: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • WOOF! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • And you, too! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [the Tomcats have just destroyed the Zeroes] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • F-14 pilot #1: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Eagle Control, Alert One. Splash two, repeat, splash two. Possibly one survivor in the water. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [a captured Japanese prisoner is holding a captive and is demanding access to a radio] Why don't you tell him what's going on here, Commander? You're an expert on what's gonna happen tomorrow; tell him about it, for God's sakes. Go on, tell him! We got nothing to lose! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Captain Yelland: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [Owens looks at Yelland, who nods] Go ahead, tell him. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Richard Owens: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [hesitates, then looks directly at the Japanese prisoner] 26 November, six carriers left the Coral Isles north of Japan. The carriers were the Akagi, Kaga, Shokaku, Zuikaku, Hiryu, Soryu. Tomorrow at dawn, these carriers will send 353 planes to attack Pearl Harbor. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Senator Chapman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [staring, stunned] How in the hell do you know all that? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Richard Owens: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Your code is "Climb Mount Niitaka." Niitakayama nobore! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [the Japanese prisoner, looking horrified, slowly lowers the gun and is shot to death by security crew] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Think of the history of the next forty years... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Richard Owens: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • I have a suspicion history will be a little more difficult to beat, than you imagine Mr. Lasky. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • I'm talking about the classic paradox of time. Imagine, for example, I go back in time and meet my own Grandfather. Long before he got married, before he had children. And we have an argument, and I kill him. Now if that happens, how am I ever going to be born? And if I can never be born, how can I go back in history and meet my very own Grandfather? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Richard Owens: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [angrily] I'm not half the theorist you are, Mr. Lasky. But I still have a gut instinct that things only happen once. And if they have happened, then there's nothing we can do to change them. Nor should we try. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Lasky: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Well, how are you going to avoid it? It's already happening, and we're already involved! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Dan Thurman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • For Christ's sake! What is this, some half-assed Princeton debating society? We are in a war situation! This is a United States warship! Or, at least, it used to be. Or will be. Or what the hell ever! Oh, Goddammit, you can drive yourself crazy just trying to think about this stuff! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [shouts] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Commander Dan Thurman: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Jesus, I must be dreaming! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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