
第九形态 (1980) 5.1

The Ninth Configuration

1980-08-08(美国)| 喜剧 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:1980-08-08(美国) 类型: 喜剧 惊悚
获奖信息:美国电影电视金球奖(1981年第38届) 获奖:1  提名:2
评分: 力荐

A new commanding officer arrives at a remote castle serving as an insane asylum for crazy and AWOL U.S. Army soldiers where he attempts to r...更多>


Colonel Kane: You're convinced that God is dead because there's evil in the world. Captain Cutshaw: Correct. Colonel Kane: Then why don't you think He's alive because of the goodness in the world? The Inmates: Hail, Caesar! [Captain Cutshaw stomps in wearing scuba flippers] Captain Cutshaw: Take me to the beach. Colonel Kane: It's night, and it's raining. Captain Cutshaw: I see you're determined to start an argument. Colonel Kane: [Reading the back of a St. Christopher medal aloud] "I'm a Buddhist. In case of an emergency call a Lama. Col. Vincent Kane: In order for life to have appeared spontaneously on earth, there first had to be hundreds of millions of protein molecules of the ninth configuration. But given the size of the planet Earth, do you know how long it would have taken for just one of these protein molecules to appear entirely by chance? Roughly ten to the two hundred and forty-third power billions of years. And I find that far, far more fantastic than simply believing in God. Colonel Kane: Maybe we're just fish out of water. Col. Richard Fell: What was that? Colonel Kane: I just think about sickness, cancer in children, earthquakes, war, painful death. Death, just death. If these things are just part of our natural environment why do we think of them as evil? Why do they horrify us so?... unless we were meant for someplace else. [Captain Cutshaw stands up, interrupting church services] Captain Cutshaw: Infinite goodness is creating a being you know, in advance, is going to complain. Captain Cutshaw: I think the end of the world just came for that bag of Fritos I had in my pants pocket. Captain Cutshaw: The man in the moon tried to fuck my sister!


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