
逃出亚卡拉 (1979) 6.0

Escape from Alcatraz 更多片名>

1979-10-31(法国)| 动作 犯罪 剧情| 美国|1小时52分钟
上映时间:1979-10-31(法国) 类型: 动作 犯罪 剧情 惊悚 时长:1小时52分钟
制作/发行:美国派拉蒙影片公司 / Argentina Video Home (AVH)
评分: 力荐

弗兰克莫瑞斯(克林特·伊斯特伍德 饰)是一名银行抢劫犯,在一个雨夜被关进亚卡拉,入狱后与Limtus(弗兰克·罗茨 饰)结交,并在监狱图书馆工作。智商极高的他决定越狱!在这个被认为无法逃离的监狱,他能不能成为第一个成功越狱者……




If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules of the prison, they send you to US. Alcatraz is not like any other prison in the United States. Here, every inmate is confined ALONE... to an individual cell. Unlike my predecessors, Wardens Johnson and Blackwell, I don't have good conduct programs, I do not have inmate counsels. Inmates here have no say in what they do; they do as they're told. You're not permitted to have newspapers or magazines carrying news; knowledge of the outside world is, ah, what we tell you. From this day on, your world will be everything that happens in this building.


Alcatraz was built to keep all the rotten eggs in one basket, and I was specially chosen to make sure that the stink from the basket does not escape. Since I've been warden, a few people have tried to escape. Most of them have been recaptured; those that haven't have been killed or drowned in the bay. No one has ever escaped from Alcatraz. And no one ever will!


I'm lookin' for a new punk!

Frank Morris:


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