
  • Bull Meechum: I'd like to propose a toast, to my son. He is eighteen today. He has just ordered his first drink. Before he drinks it, I'd like to wish him a long life, a wife as fine as his mother, and a son as fine as he's been. To my son! Coach Spinks: I want us to win and win big. I want us to make our school proud, I want us to make our parents proud, our grandparents proud, our first and second cousins proud, our POONTANG proud and ourselves proud. Bull Meechum: I didn't know you looked so stacked, sports fans. Mary Anne Meechum: How sicko sexual can you get? [Walking down the hall at school] Mary Anne Meechum: They're staring at us like we're freaks or something. Ben Meechum: No they're no. Look, just pick someone out. Go on up to them and say, "Hi my name's Mary Anne Meechum. I'm new in town, like you for a friend." Just like that. Ben Meechum: You know what Toomer? This is terrific. There's a shooting star. Toomer: There's no star boy. That's the tear of infant Jesus falling on such a sinful, hateful world. This is sure one fine night, isn't it buddy boy? Ben Meechum: Yep, this is one fine night Toomer. [At a high school dance] Mary Anne Meechum: Can you believe dad bought me this dress? He can be so childishly sentimental sometimes. Isn't this ridiculous? [Ben dips Mary Anne] Ben Meechum: [joking] My darling, there's an enormous booger in your nose. [Mary Anne and Ben start laughing out loud] Mary Anne Meechum: I hate this place. Lillian Meechum: Now sugar, you've got to open yourself to a town. You've been in the corps long enough to know that. Mary Anne Meechum: I am not in the corps. Matthew Meechum: Says you! Bull Meechum: Shut your little yaps! Now here it is sports fans, Beaufort S.C.! Mary Anne Meechum: He does remind me someone from the movies, but it's not Rhett Butler. Karen Meechum: Who's that? Mary Anne Meechum: Godzilla! Lillian Meechum: I am not going anywhere at 3:00 in the morning. No, I am not moving this is ridiculous! It doesn't make any sense! Bull Meechum: Who the hell asked you anything? [slaps Lillian] Lillian Meechum: Don't you talk to me like that! Now, he beat you and it was beautiful. Bull Meechum: I am Santini, the Great Santini. Bull Meechum: I come from behind the moon, out of the dark, unannounced. Bull Meechum: Watch out! Lt. Sammy: [Paying tribute to Bull Meechum] To the greatest marine fighter pilot that ever crapped between two shoes! Ben Meechum: Would you like to die in action, Dad? Bull Meechum: It's better than dying of piles! Bull Meechum: [To his subordinates] You're gonna hack it or pack it! Bull Meechum: [To his subordinates] You're looking at Bull Meechum now, and this is the eye of the storm! Bull Meechum: There's those that has got 'em, Ben, and those that don't! Ben Meechum: What? Bull Meechum: Gonads, Son! Big brass ones! Lillian Meechum: Your father is very nervous about this game. Look at me, youg lady! Look at me! You've got to interpret the signals he gives off! Mary Anne Meechum: No problem! He always gives off the signals of a psychopathic killer, so it really doesn't matter how you interpret them ! Ben Meechum: [Angry with his father] I hope he dies out there with the rest of the snakes! Mary Anne Meechum: Let's have a conversation, Dad. Let's bare our souls, get to know one another. Bull Meechum: I don't ant you to know me. I like being an enigma, like a Chink! Now, scram! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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