前进或死亡 (1977)

  • 英国 美国
  • |
  • 战争  冒险  爱情
  • 片       名前进或死亡
  • 上映时间1977年08月05日
  • 导       演 迪克·理查斯
  • 剧       情
    第一次世界大战后期,一个由福斯特少校率领的法国外国志愿军团被命令去保护由马尼奥率领的一支考古远征队,但考古队对当地坟墓的挖掘终于激起了阿拉伯民众的反抗,他们决心用枪来对付这些外来者。 最后一支远征队连同它的士兵一起毁灭了,但是福斯特必须服从命令,尽管他反对他相信的“坟墓抢夺',对...


  • Marco Segrain: [facing a line of new recruits and citing the late Major Foster] Some of will give up. Some of you will even try to run. I warn you, until now no one succeeded. When the Legion doesn't get you, the Arabs will. When the Arabs won't catch you, the desert will. And when the desert doesn't devour your measly corpses, then I will. I wouldn't know what's worse El Krim: [showing Foster and his patrol the dead body of a legionnair] One of my men got nervous. Maj. William Sherman Foster: [an Arab walks over to the body and spits in his face. Suddenly Segrain shoots the Arab at point blank range. Everyone is pointing weapons at everyone] One of my men got mervous. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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