Pontius Pilate:
Do you realize I have the power to release you or have you crucified?
Jesus Christ:
You wouldn't have had that power over me if it hadn't been given to you from above.
[discussing the idea of Jesus' being born in a stable]
And yet, I see the justice of it.
Not in glory, but in humility.
Simon Peter:
[having denied Jesus thrice] Oh God... oh God...
Simon Peter:
My God! Please, help me!
Jesus Christ:
Destroy this temple, and in three days I will make it rise again.
It took centuries to build this temple. Do you think you can build it again in three days?
Jesus Christ:
You have said it, but you have not understood.
[indignant] Rabbi, I understand better than you *think*.
Simon Peter:
[Peter is drunk] Andrew. Andrew, I'm not like you. I'm not a follower of priests and prophets; I'm a fisherman. I've got my family to think of. You followed the Baptist, now follow this one...
[grabbing Peter's Arm] Peter!
Simon Peter:
[wresting free] Just leave me alone! Why did you bring Him here to me?
[grabbing his net]
Simon Peter:
*This* is my life! My nets... my boat.
Simon Peter:
Go on! Follow Him! But leave me!
Come on, you can't talk to him when he's like this.
[motioning the others to leave]
Come on, Philip.
Herod Antipas:
And we go on sinning. And very pleasant it is, too.
Jesus Christ:
What are the greatest commandments?
Joseph of Arimathea:
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, with the whole soul and with thy whole mind"... And the second is like it; "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" .
Jesus Christ:
You have said well. You are not far from the Kingdom of God, Joseph of Arimathea.
[seeing the Baby Jesus for the first time] Now I can die contented, Lord, according to Thy will.
[gently, to the Virgin Mary]
And a sword shall pierce your heart.
Herod Antipas:
John if I set you free, what would you do with your freedom?
John the Baptist:
I would follow the one whose way I have prepared, like so many others who already follow him, but you will not set me free.复制复制成功复制失败,请手动复制