"CHiPs" (1977)

  • 美国
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  • 犯罪  灾难


  • advertisement [Jon announces his proposal for a trail bike task force] Officer Jon Baker: I'd like to nominate my partner, Frank Poncherello. Officer Francis Llewellyn 'Ponch' Poncherello: Hey, that's great. 'Cause when we first met, I was on a dirtbike. Officer Jon Baker: Uh, no, Ponch. When we first met, you had just fallen off a dirtbike. [a hacker has messed up the CHP's payroll] Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Now, about the paychecks. Officer Barry Baricza: Yeah, I've got a car payment due! [the other officers start complaining] Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Settle down! Just settle down and we'll try to sort out your paychecks. Officer Barry Baricza: Well, how much was YOUR paycheck? Sgt. Joseph Getraer: [nervously] It's... more than I usually get. [under his breath] Sgt. Joseph Getraer: It's closer to what I deserve. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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