
  • Rod Slater (Roger Moore): Who do I need to see? Miner (Garth Tuckett): Go and see Mr Eade. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Rod Slater 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : My God, you're beautiful. Terry Steyner (Sussanah York): Kiss me you fool. Farrel (John Gielgud): Rod Slater, Do you know what your getting yourself into? Rod Slater: No, No I dont. Rod Slater: Can you stop this madness? Plummer (John Hussey): Dont look at me, I'm just a plumber. Manfred Steyner: This is just terrible. Did he say anything to you, about how it happened? Rod Slater: He didn't have the breath. Stephen Marais: Do you know what caused it? Rod Slater: The same as always. Digging for gold. [producing King's helmet] Plummer (John Hussey): We found this down there. Rod Slater: It's King's. It's gold, I hate the lousy stuff. [having knocked Kowalski cold] Rod Slater: Kowalski! Kowalski! [slaps him] Rod Slater: KOWALSKI! The next time you touch a face darker than mine, you're out! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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