
花街杀人王 (1971) 6.7

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1971-06-23(美国纽约)| 犯罪 惊悚| 美国|1小时54分钟
上映时间:1971-06-23(美国纽约) 类型: 犯罪 惊悚 时长:1小时54分钟
制作/发行:Gus Productions / Warner Home Video [美国]
获奖信息:奥斯卡金像奖(1972年第44届) 获奖:2  提名:3
评分: 力荐

版本一: 一名小镇警员到纽约调查其失踪朋友的下落,却不知不觉中和跟此案有关的一名高级应召女郎双双坠入爱河,最后也查出了朋友失踪的真相。 版本二: 描述在一个小镇上,汤姆·格鲁尼曼突然失踪。警方花了6个月的时间寻找,没有任何进展。年轻的警官约翰·克卢特,根...更多>






Bree Daniel:

You're not gonna get hung up on me, are you?

Bree Daniel:

Don't feel bad about losing your virtue. I sort of knew you would. Everybody always does.

Peter Cable:

I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm so deeply puzzled. I've done terrible things, I've killed three people. Really, I don't consider myself a terrible man, no more than-than others. See, Tom Gruneman had discovered me. We were here on business together and he found me and Jane McKenna in my hotel room. She had become hysterical and she started screaming and I guess I hit her. I don't actually recall, it all happened so quickly. Anyway, she fell and hit her head and that's when Tom came in the room. I guess he must have heard her screaming. But I never understood really why she... she did that, she had never screamed before. And it was the revulsion and the contempt that I saw in his face. And the certainty that sooner or later he would use it against me within the company. And I tried to endure that as long as I possibly could, you see. Just want me to keep on talking, don't you?

Bree Daniel:


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