
  • Gerald Draycott: Vivian tells me you're not staying Wolfe. Venetia: What do you mean not you're not staying? Wolfe Lissner: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Got to get back into town love, I've got things to do. Listen I'll take your car down, I'm sure someone will give you a lift back in the morning. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Gerald Draycott: Yes I'm going back myself. Wolfe Lissner: Got things to do pet. Venetia: You are a sod Wolfe! Wolfe Lissner: What can I do? Gerald Draycott: What a shame, still I hope you'll enter into the spirit of things Venetia. Bob Matthews: I don't know what you expect to get out of this Dakin, apart from maybe an orgasm. Vic Dakin: Don't be a burke all your life Sergeant. Bob Matthews: It's inspector now. Vic Dakin: Bit extra on your widow's pension. Edgar Lewis: He's losing a lot of claret Vic. Duncan: It's jut not our game Vic, I mean, a bit of robbery these days, I mean, you just can't tell. Vic Dakin: Getting all bleedin' erudite on us. Brown: I wouldn't tell anyone Mr Bellamy, I wouldn't. Vic Dakin: I just wanted to IMPRESS upon you Mr Brown. [Punches him in stomach] Vic Dakin: Don't collect from Danny for a couple of weeks, our reward initiative. Barzun: Mr Dakin comes here for our excellent French menu. Bob Matthews: BOLLOCKS! Brown: I'm a clerk, and a clerk Mr Bellamy is nothing now. Oh just before the war he was important, he gave the orders, he was the one who could rise to 400 a year, little modest saloon by the time he was Your working man stayed at 3 quid a week. Not now, and my wife knows it - she says to our kid, you won't be a failure like your father. Vic Dakin: Sounds like a right cow. Vic Dakin: Very nice car Terry. Very good steel. Vic Dakin: Boxed in and buggered! What is it? Frank Fletcher: Toys Vic, just toys! Henry: Big tough boys. Frank Fletcher: They're the local rugby team. Henry: Well they'll be short on Saturday. Vic Dakin: Fancy living here. Webb: Nice and quiet. Vic Dakin: Stupid punters. Telly all the week, screw the wife Saturday. Vic Dakin: Pick 'im up, pick 'im up! Frank Fletcher: It's not our game, is it Vic. We're playing away. Vic Dakin: Go and make a phone call Terry. Terry: Who to? Vic Dakin: I don't know, your fairy-sodding-godmother. Vic Dakin< 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • /b>: Frank, Frank. We're the boys aren't we? Aren't we the boys. Always have been, ever since we were kids. Hardly got off our mothers tit when we had 'em quaking down in agony. Webb: Here's Benny now, he can tell you. Duncan: He's only pulled, he's only pulled a bird. I'd give her one. Vivian: Wolfe, I'm so glad you could come, how terrific. Wolfe Lissner: Hello Vivian, this is Venetia. Vivian: Hello Venetia. Well we're all drinking in here so do come on through. I do wish you'd been here last night Wolfe, some lovely faces came down. Venetia: I know his face don't I? Wolfe Lissner: Should do, seen it often enough on telly. Stirring the conscience of the nation, he's an MP. Venetia: Well he wouldn't get my vote. Wolfe Lissner: It's not your vote he's after. Vic Dakin: Why don't you go make a cup of tea? Venetia: Who's she? Wolfe Lissner: Sssh. It's his gaffe, only a marquis isn't he. Influencing friends and making people. Vic Dakin: WHO ARE YOU LOOKING AT? Vic Dakin: Bleeding pidgeons. Vic Dakin: Drinking, whoring, gambling, pathetic... pathetic... pathetic. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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