飞越美人谷 (1970)

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  • 喜剧  音乐  惊悚


  • Kelly: When does ANY party start? When you get there! Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: This is my happening and it freaks me out! Casey Anderson: There's juice freaks, and pill freaks, and then everybody's a freak! What you need is grass or a downer or something Kelly MacNamara: In a scene like this you get a contact-high! Petronella Danforth: Don't bogart the joint! Ashley St. Ives: You're a groovy boy. I'd like to strap you on sometime. Kelly MacNamara: Come on, man. I doubt if you'd recognize a hippie. I'm a capitalist, baby. I work for my living, not suck off somebody else. Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: You will drink the black sperm of my vengence. Partygoer #1: You're a moonchild. Partygoer #2: And you're a bitch! Petronella Danforth: C'mon, Casey. The principal's supposed to hit me with a coupla caps of acid. Susan Lake: I guess liquor's considered pretty square. Petronella Danforth: Same as grass. Depends on how you use it. Harris Allsworth: I want it, I need it, I love it when a beautiful woman licks between my toes. Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: Leave? No! You have not yet graced our gathering with a song. Come, my dear, I must present you to the faithful. Now! Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: And you, the infamous Ashley St. Ives, high priestess of carnality, what thou think of our fair minstrels? [Kelly and Z-Man have walked into a bathroom to find a couple having sex in Z-Man's bathroom] Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: Glad to see my audience in such happy dalliance. Pray, let them joust in peace! [Ronnie is showing Kelly around the party, pointing out some of his more interesting guests] Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Languid Roxanne finds beauty, that delicate pinch of feminine spice with which she oftens flavors her interludes. Ah, look there, Lance Rocke! Greek god and part-time actor. See how well he performs? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Lance is dancing with and looking at a female guest flirtaciously] Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: The golden hair, the bedroom eyes, the firm young body. All are available for a price... Porter Hall: She was living in a single room with three other individuals. One of them was a male, and the other two, well the other two were females. God only knows what they were up to in there... and furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes... reefers. Kelly: Up yours, Ratso! Kelly: [seductively] Why don't you lose your laundry, Porter? Lance Rocke: The chick's been sleepin' with *me*, you got it? Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: Knowing you, I'm sure she has. Have you run an audit on her books yet? Or are you still... screwing on faith? Petronella Danforth: [caught in flagrante] Emerson, but you were gonna study! You said you were going to study! Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: [dismissing his Nazi manservant for the night] Be sure to turn off the ovens. Ronnie (Z-Man) Barzell: Z-Man? There is no Z-Man, varlet. And indeed, it's not a game we play. I am Superwoman! Susan Lake: Porter, you have an unending capacity for counterfeit astonishment. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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