镇国大将军 (1970)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 传记
  • 片       名镇国大将军
  • 上映时间1970年07月16日(英国)
  • 导       演 肯·休斯
  • 又       名镇国大将军 雄狮屠龙 Cromwell
  • 编       剧 肯·休斯


  • Oliver Cromwell: It's an odd thing, Mr. Ireton. Every man who wages war believes God is on his side. I'll warrant God should often wonder who is on his. King Charles: A democracy, Mr. Cromwell, was a Greek drollery based on the foolish notion that there are extraordinary possibilities in very ordinary people. Oliver Cromwell: Against the King? You mean a civil war? In England? Huh! You know not the ways of this nation. Such things do not happen here. King Charles: Do you mean, sir, that I should declare war on my own people? The Earl of Strafford: Aye, before they declare war on you! John Pym: We would as much go back to our homes and our farms as pursue this mockery of a government one more day. Henry Ireton: Though Strafford's hand be upon this warrant, I see in this business not the hand of Strafford, but that of the King. Oliver Cromwell: It is not the function of this House to sit in judgment upon this King. The fault lies with those people from whom the King has sought counsel. Oliver Cromwell: Now do we see in what contempt this King holds this house and this nation. Oliver Cromwell: You are no more capable of managing the affairs of this nation than you are of running a brothel! President Bradshaw: Sir, you are before a court of law! King Charles I: I see I am before a *power*... John Pym: I say then that this House is resolved that we shall vote - no money for the King! Neither will we take up arms against our Scottish brethren unless Parliament is allowed to function as the true voice of the people of England, and not as a gathering of lackeys to the King. Executioner: Behold, the head of a traitor! Oliver Cromwell: This nation will prosper because it is a godly nation, and because we walk hand in hand with the Lord! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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