两对鸳鸯一张床 (1969)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名两对鸳鸯一张床
  • 上映时间1970年01月16日
  • 导       演 保罗·马祖斯基
  • 剧       情
    Documentary film-maker Bob Saunders and his wife Carol attend a group therapy session that serves as the backdrop for the opening scenes of ...
  • 获       奖
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  • Ted Henderson: First, we'll have an orgy. Then we'll go see Tony Bennett. Alice Henderson: Now, do you wanna do it just like that with no feeling on my part? Ted Henderson: Yeah. Alice Henderson: He wanted to know why I had a tee-tee... Psychiatrist: Pardon me? I don't know what a tee-tee is. Alice Henderson: A vagina. Psychiatrist: Oh, it's a pet expression of yours. Alice Henderson: Yes, you know words: tee-tee, tinkle, po-po, wee-wee, kee-kee, poo-poo. Psychiatrist: I had never heard tee-tee before. Alice Henderson: What expression do you use with your children? Psychiatrist: Vagina. Carol Sanders: My DARLING, you did NOT cheat, you TOLD me about it. If you HADN'T told me about it, THAT would have been cheating! Psychiatrist: When we come right up to the sex, you become embarrassed. Alice Henderson: What am I... What would you like... What am I supposed to think? Psychiatrist: I have no wants. Say what you think you'd like to say. Alice Henderson: Do you think I need this? Do you really think you can help me? Psychiatrist: I think it'd be useful to talk some more. I don't know for sure if I can help you or not. Do you think you can help yourself? Alice Henderson: Ted is a very nervous man! Now sex is very important to a man! You know that! Psychiatrist: Well, it seems that our time is up for today. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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