
  • [first lines] Narrator: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 3e0 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Once upon a time... a long, long time ago... there was a mystical city, Tar. And at that time all the cities were intact and flourishing, because the final war had not yet begun. When the great catastrophe occurred, all the cities crumbled... except Tar. Tar still exists. If you know where to look for it, you will find it. And when you get there you will be presented with wine and water and play with a gramophone. When you get there, you will help harvest grapes and you will pick up scorpions hidden under white rocks. When you get there... you will know eternity. You'll see a bird that drinks one drop of water from the ocean every hundred years. When you get there, you'll understand life and you'll become a cat, phoenix, swan, elephant, baby and an old man. You'll be alone and accompanied. You'll love and be loved, sharing the same space... and yours will be the seal of seals. As you approach the future, you'll find... Ecstasy. It will overwhelm you and never abandon you. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • fef 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [first title card] Title Card: First Chant: The Tree Sought Refuge In The Leaf Fando's Father: Let's play. Okay, I'm a famous pianist. Young Fando: If you're a famous pianist, and I cut off your arm... then what will you do? Fando's Father: I'll become a famous painter. Young Fando: And if I cut off the other one, what will you do? Fando's Father: I'll become a famous dancer. Young Fando: And if I cut off your legs, then what? Fando's Father: Then I'll become a famous singer. Young Fando: And if I cut off your head, then what? Fando's Father: Once dead, my skin will become a beautiful drum. Young Fando: What if I burn the drum? Fando's Father: I will become a cloud and take on any shape. Young Fando: And if the cloud dissolves, what then? Fando's Father: I will become rain and produce a harvest of wars! Young Fando: You win. I'm going to miss you when you're gone. Fando's Father: If you ever feel too lonely... search for the magical city of Tar. Lis: [singing] To Tar... To Tar... / So close and yet so far. Young Lis: The tree disguised itself as a leaf, the house as a door and the city as a house. The same scene over and over. Lis: We're here. [pause] Lis: To advance a mile, we only have to take a step. If Tar doesn't exist, we can invent it. Fando: Everything seems so difficult, but you always have an answer. Lis: No, not always. Sometimes I pretend to have one. Fando: But this isn't a game, Lis. Lis: Yes, Fando. I know it's no game. Fando: [looks around] Is this the way to Tar? Pope: [stares closely into Fando's eyes] If you think it is, then it is. Fando: [takes another look] This *is* the way to Tar! Fando: Look at the flowers, Lis. Lis: I don't see any, Fando. Fando: [becoming angry] It doesn't matter. Look at them! Lis: But there aren't any. [begins sobbing] Fando: Don't cry. I told you to look at the damn flowers! Lis: Yes, Fando. I'm sorry. Fando: [picks her up] What a crybaby! Lis: [pause] It's beautiful here with all the flowers and trees. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 24 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Fando 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • d86 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : Where do you see trees? Lis: Right there on the path by the flowers. Fando: You're too heavy. There are flowers but no trees! Lis: Yes, there are flowers and trees. Fando: [drops her] You're starting to be a pain in the ass. Lis: You say you'll cure me when we get to Tar, but I don't believe you anymore. Fando: I know. Kiss me, Lis. This time I promise it's true. Lis: I believe you. Doctor: A bit of blood for the love of God. [kneels before Lis] Doctor: Have mercy on this poor blind man. [Fando gestures approval] Doctor: How nice of you. [prepares syringe] Doctor: Here, hold your arm out. [draws blood] Doctor: [empties syringe into glass and drinks it] Blind Man: What about me? Doctor: Here you go, my son. Lick it clean! Fando: [to Lis] Once, my mother forced me to lay down. A priest made a hole in my head and took out the stone of madness. Lis: [sobbing] I can't go on... [Fando drags her by the arms across the ground] Narrator: When you arrive at Tar... you'll wear a golden crown upon your head. And you'll possess the key that opens all the labyrinths. [last lines] Lis: [voiceover] [singing] Lis: I will die / And no one will remember me. Fando: No, Lis. I'll remember you. I'll visit your grave with a flower and a dog. During your funeral, I'll sing, 'How beautiful is a funeral.' I'll do it for you, Lis. [places flower on her grave] Fando: [softly, in despair] Speak to me, Lis. [repeat] [final title card] Title Card: When the reflection faded away in the mirror, it gave way to the word 'Freedom'. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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