
  • Cenci: You let nanny and the cook go. Leonora: I did? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Cenci 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Fired them ruthlessly. Leonora: Dear God, by whose mercy... Cenci: Dear God, by whose mercy... Leonora: ...I am shielded for a few hours... Cenci: ...I am shielded for a few hours... Leonora: ...let no-one snatch me from this heaven. Cenci: ...let no-one snatch me from this heaven. Cenci: My virginity is the only thing I possess. Cenci: I'll give you that sound if you let me go. Cenci: We can't have you walking about looking like a whore. Hilda: Daddy Albert was arrested in Philadelphia for interfering with a minor. Hannah: Why is the bed warm at eleven o'clock in the morning? A decent bed isn't supposed to be warm. Leonora: They're just little boys that need to have their bottoms wiped. Hannah: Crazy people never look their age. Leonora: That's disgusting. You're all disgusting! Albert: Is your goddamn mother at home? I'm not going to eat you, you silly bitch. Albert: Do you realize that, all over the Australian bush, fathers are bashing their daughters like there's no tomorrow? Leonora: Shall we order now? Cenci: I think I'd like an enormous piece of red meat. Albert: You look more like a cow than my late wife, no offense, I'm very fond of cows. Albert: If you don't let her go, she'll get smaller and smaller. Leonora: I had a daughter once, a very unusual child. Albert: What happened to her? Leonora: She vanished. [snaps her fingers] Cenci: What are you doing in my mother's clothes? Get out! Leonora: [song] Oh that I were where I would be, / There would I be where I am not; / But where I am there I must be, / And where I would be I can not. Leonora: There were two mice fell in a bucket of milk, one yelled for help and drowned, the other kept pedaling around until, in the morning, he found himself on top of butter. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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